Dishonesty And FBI Crime Statistics

Is FBI Data An Accurate Portrayal Of Crime?

Highlights Is there a corollary between the media’s lack of coverage of the President’s cognitive abilities before the debate and their inaccurate portrayal of crime…

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Is crime really decreasing?

Is US Crime Really Declining? The Impossible World Of Crime Statistics

Highlights Is crime decreasing? “There’s a crime divide between Americans and politicians, and voters are watching,” The Hill. “The White House to the left: We…

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Record Increases And Decreases In Crime In Two Years

Record Increases And Decreases In US Crime In Two Years-Who’s Right?

Highlights We have immense contrasts in record increases and decreases in crime in two years from the US Department of Justice. It’s becoming increasingly difficult…

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Increasing Or decreasing Crime?

25 Examples Of Increasing Crime-Is Record Fear Of Crime Justified?

Highlights Data from the federal government and a variety of reputable sources indicate that violent and property crimes increased, not decreased in recent years. Dozens…

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Is crime really decreasing?

Are Clueless Americans Obsessed With Fear Of Crime?-New Data

Highlights Americans state that crime is one of their top concerns. Per Gallup, fear of crime is at record levels. Crime was a top issue…

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Progressives and conservatives on crime

The Reader’s War: Progressives–Conservatives And Crime

Highlights There are more Independents than Democrats or Republicans. If we truly cared for the welfare of our fellow citizens, we would admit that we…

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Police officers killed or assaulted

Crime Decreased In 2023 Per The FBI-Metropolitan Areas Still Struggle With Crime

Highlights Except for homicides and rapes, most of the decreases in metropolitan areas (where the vast majority of Americans live) are rather small. Robberies increased…

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Increasing Or decreasing Crime?

Growing Concerns About Violence Despite FBI Statistics-Who’s Right?

Highlights The President and others insist that violent crime has decreased considerably. Yet data, citizens, and recent media reports say the opposite. Who’s right? Author…

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Dishonesty And FBI Crime Statistics

So It’s Impossible To Have An Honest Conversation About Crime?

Highlights How are crime writers supposed to place violent crime in its proper perspective? How do we factually write about crime when the issue has…

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Dishonesty And FBI Crime Statistics

President Biden States That Crime Decreased Considerably-Did It?

Highlights President Biden firmly states that crime went down considerably in 2022 based on the most recent yearly crime reports. He suggests that crime went…

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