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22 Non-Lame Engagement Photo Ideas to Copy ASAP

Target photo shoots are a thing, and I’ve never felt so validated.

By Kara Cuzzone
Photograph, Snapshot, Photography, Black-and-white, Interaction, Stock photography, Love, Collage, Gesture, Romance,

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Sooo you just got engaged. Or maybe you’re still dropping hints. Or you’re single as a Pringle. Regardless, you clicked on this story, which means for some reason, you’re thinking about being betrothed. But there’s something you need to tackle before you start dreaming up wedding hashtags and researching venues. And that’s engagement photos.

Now half of you are probably like, “What do you even do with engagement photos?” Well, allow me to educate you. You know that pic Kristen from your hometown posted of her and her fiancé last week? The one where they’re staring lovingly into each other’s eyes in a field? Yeah, that didn’t just *happen*. A lot of couples hire a professional photographer to take pics they can use to announce their engagement, put on their wedding website, or even feature on their save-the-dates. It’s basically like senior pictures for adults getting married.

But wait, wait, wait, when should engagement photos be taken, and how much should they cost? Both great questions. In both cases, it depends how extra you are. Most people take them within one to two months of getting engaged, but you could also take them day of (if your fiancé is a pro and hires a photographer to capture the proposal, that is). As for cost, that totally depends where you live, but according to Shutterfly, most engagement shoots fall between $200 and $500. So, yeah, not cheap.

Once that’s all set, it’s time to gather your glam squad: you, your partner, and any props or photo bombers (like your pup) that you’d like to include. But more on that later. Here, really cute photo ideas you should copy ASAP (or, like, when you get engaged).


Go simple with a selfie.

Snap a pic (or 500) of you and your boo right after he pops the question. The smiles will be genuine, and you’ll save that aforementioned $500. It’s a win-win.


Head to Target.

Be honest, Target has a special place in your heart. So you might as well be the location for your engagement shoot. While you’re at it, maybe see if they’ll let you get married there too? Target is the best.


Show off that rock.

Okay, not everyone is a fan of the bling close-up. But to be fair, your new family stone is symbolic of your lurve and your future together. So if you want to show it off, pose with your arms around your fiancé’s neck so the photog can get a good shot of the ring. (2nd slide).

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Take some candids.

Sometimes staged engagement photos are totally vom-inducing. So keep it candid (and adorable) by having your friends and fam capture the moment.


Pick some *chef’s kiss* scenery.

Name another time where you’ll have a chance to do a lovey-dovey photo shoot with a killer backdrop—besides your wedding, of course. I’ll wait.


Hope for rain.

Rain on your engagement photo day ≠ total disaster. I mean, just look at these pics.

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Use ice cream as a prop.

Because it’s never not a good occasion for ice cream, and your engagement photo shoot is no exception.


Pose by a mural wall.

Fact: Every pose looks cooler in front of a mural wall. Need I say more?


Revisit where you first met.

Taking it back to that checkout line or subway car where you first met will warm any cold, dead heart.

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Sit in a field.

Find a field, sit, and voilà. It’s a spin on the classic standing-in-a-field engagement photos, and the results are wayyy prettier.


Get weird.

There’s nothing more cringey than ultra-posed, stiff couples pics. Ew. Goof around and you’ll get some awesome shots that feel more authentic.


Keep it chill.

Hate to break it to you, but this isn’t the Met Gala. Go with a casual outfit you’d wear on the reg and let your ~love~ be the focal point.

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Bring your *insert important item here* as a prop.

Props aren’t cheesy when they’re done right. Bring something that’s important to you both to use in some shots. In this couple’s case, it’s their fave surfboard.


Hit up a coffee shop.

You both love your morning caffeine, might as well cement it as part of your marriage by taking your engagement pics in a coffee shop. Just please don’t pick Starbucks.


Go full-on tourist.

Look, there’s a reason tourists are always snapping pics in Central Park—it’s real pretty. Visit a popular site in your city in the early morning to avoid the crowds and get. that. shot.

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Shoot at home.

Yes, you can do the entire shoot in the comfort of your own home if you want. Fancy locations be damned.


Include your pup.

Up the cute factor to an unfair degree by including your furbaby in this important milestone.


Pop some champs.

The best prop is one that can get you tipsy, duh. Plus, sipping it will give you something to do with your hands. You’re welcome.

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Get wet.

You’ve probably never thought of taking it to the water for your engagement photos—which is what makes this idea so genius. Just remember to wear waterproof mascara...or none at all.


Use a drone.

Pick a setting you’re cool with lying down in, and have a drone capture some overhead snaps. Save this one for the end of the shoot so you’re not dirty/sandy/wet, K?

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