They're spontaneous, they're fearless, they always speak their mind...they must be a Sagittarius. Whether you're crushing on an archer, befriending one, or you are one, let's talk a little more about the zodiac's mutable fire sign.

See, every sign of the zodiac has personality qualities and archetypal traits associated with it. Let’s get into some vibes we often associate with Sagittarians—the good, the bad, and the adventurous—shall we?

Pause for a quick disclaimer: Before reading on, please remember the first astrological commandment, *thou shalt not astroprofile*, and know that literally any sign can have any personality quality. These are simply the ones most commonly associated with our Sag friends. Also, the ways these qualities get expressed vary from person to person.


Sagittarians are the mutable fire signs of the zodiac. They like adventure, change, and risk. Their “office,” like their “home,” is likely to be the whole world. Perhaps more than any other sign, Sagittarians require freedom. They like to roam around, travel the world, and be able to take their work with them. Why? Because they’re ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is the friendly planet of luck, big ideas, and, above all, vision and wisdom. Jupiter gives Sagittarians a hunger for knowledge and travel. If you work with a Sagittarius, they’re probably the idea person—the one who can step back and see the bigger picture. They’re also the one always volunteering for work travel. It’s no surprise that many creative celebs, from Jimi Hendrix to Taylor Swift, are Sagittarians.


In love, just like in life, Sagittarians take risks. They’re interested in big love—the romance-movie kind of love. Their fiery nature means they can bring the passion pretty much wherever, between the sheets included. They’ll sweep you off your feet and expect you to do the same. Dating a Sag is like being on a lifelong adventure. Enjoy the journey.

But also: Be careful not to take a back seat to the laundry list of their big dreams. The typical Sag wants a true partner in crime—someone they can travel the globe with, not to mention explore each other’s minds. The key word for Sag in love is “expansion.” The love between you should keep getting bigger, dreamier, and steamier—or else they’ll get bored.


The stereotypical Sag is the life of the party. In all relationships, Sagittarians go big or go home. Their motto is YES—your Sagittarius friends are the ones who are likely down for absolutely anything. They typically like concerts, parties, or any activity that involves a risk or some kind of adrenaline rush. Skydiving, hitchhiking, and staying out all night are all on the table. Sagittarians famously have a zero tolerance policy for BS, and they like when you keep it real. No small talk for them—they’d prefer you get right to it and tell them who you are and what’s on your mind. They’ll reciprocate in kind and voilà, a friendship blossoms.

As the world travelers of the zodiac, your Sag friends might go “off the grid” sometimes. It’s not personal—it’s just the Sagittarius way. As a mutable fire sign with an appetite for real wisdom about themselves and the world, they’re compelled to seek truth in all corners of the globe. You might even be able to tag along sometimes.


Much like their opposite sign, Gemini, Sagittarians love to travel. Geminis are known for flitting about on short trips and between friend circles, but the typical Sagittarian travels far and wide, preferring long and winding journeys. It’s less “let’s get out of town for a weekend” and more “see you in a few months.” Sagittarius’s place can feel less like a lived-in home (that’s for Taureans and Scorpios) and more like a crash pad. If you’re hanging at a Sag’s place, you’re likely to see lots of artifacts and souvenirs from their trips, well-worn luggage, and a dynamic collection of music and books. Most importantly, Sagittarians find home wherever they are. All they need are the clothes on their back and a heart full of adventure.


Laura Leclerq is an astrologer and writer.