Flexible, short online courses

Study whenever it suits you, from anywhere in the world.  

Our 'online – flexible' courses are taught fully online and run asynchronously – they have no live-time meetings – so you do not have to be online at any specific time to take the course. 

Teaching takes place in a virtual learning environment, with students and tutors interacting in online text-based forums. The forums are not live and students can add their comments at any time during the week. You can access the course whenever it is convenient for you, day or night, from anywhere in the world.

Most courses are 10 weeks in duration and class sizes are kept small to maximise interaction between you and your classmates and tutor in the online forums. Students take part in in-depth discussions and receive personalised tutor guidance and feedback.

Course credit

Coursework is an integral part of all our flexible short online courses. Everyone enrolled will be expected to do coursework, but only those who have registered for credit will be awarded CATS points for completing work at the required standard.

Credit earned from our short online courses is transferable towards our undergraduate award programme, the Certificate of Higher Education.

Please refer to our CATS Points System guidelines to find out more about CATS points and how to register for credit.

Upcoming courses

Online - flexible • Short courses
  • Mon 23 Sep 2024 – 06 Dec 2024
Online - flexible • Short courses
  • Mon 23 Sep 2024 – 06 Dec 2024
Online - flexible • Short courses
  • Mon 23 Sep 2024 – 06 Dec 2024
Online - flexible • Short courses
  • Mon 23 Sep 2024 – 06 Dec 2024
Online - flexible • Short courses
  • Mon 23 Sep 2024 – 06 Dec 2024