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Collabora Online Development Edition

CODE is the development version of Collabora Online. It is perfect for testing, home use or small teams, but not recommended for production environments.

Built around the Collabora Office core, CODE builds are released on average once a month and announced on our news pages and via social media.

Development Edition

  • Ideal for developers and enthusiasts seeking to explore Collabora Online’s capabilities
  • Allowing for experimentation without fees
  • Provides access to cutting-edge features and improvements for evaluation and feedback
  • Enables community contributions to enhance the quality and functionality of Collabora Online
  • Offers a sandbox environment for testing and development purposes
  • Supports collaboration and innovation within small teams or individual users

Install CODE & Try It Out

Collabora Online Development Edition can be set up On-Premise via virtual appliance, Docker, Linux package, etc.​

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Official supported stable version with tested updates, security fixes and improvements.​

Collabora Online Office Suite

Compatible with trillions of existing documents


Supports: .odt, .dox, .doc, .pdf, .rtf

  • Draw shapes and diagrams, add text, charts, tables and links.
  • More user power with fields, FontWork and text rotation.
  • Comment and collaborate with others, then download as an image or pdf to insert into your documents and presentations.


Supports: .ods, .xlsx, .xls, .xlsm, .csv

  • Benefit from advanced formulas, pivot tables, HTML formula input, conditional formatting and data validation.
  • Create giant spreadsheets with up to 16k columns, add charts, sparklines and hyperlinks.
  • Powerful multi-column sort and filter.


Supports: .odg, .vsd, .vsdx

  • Draw shapes and diagrams, add text, charts, tables and links.
  • More user power with fields, FontWork and text rotation.
  • Comment and collaborate with others, then download as an image or pdf to insert into your documents and presentations.


Supports: .odp, .ppt, .pptx

  • Draw shapes and diagrams, add text, charts, tables and links.
  • More user power with fields, FontWork and text rotation.
  • Comment and collaborate with others, then download as an image or pdf to insert into your documents and presentations.

How to Install and Test CODE

CODE is a continuously updated, rolling release where we try out our latest feature work. So it allows you to work with the latest and greatest features in online collaboration earlier than the supported version Collabora Online. Of course, we love to hear about your experiences. Please leave your feedback on CODE in the community forum or report any possible issues on GitHub.

Find details on the latest update in the release notes.

Get it at the Univention App Center

The easiest way to install CODE for a quick tryout is to download it as a virtual appliance from the Univention App Center. This appliance contains the Collabora Online Development Edition, and the additional software you need to get you up and running in minutes. You can choose between two types of integration, CODE + Nextcloud or CODE + ownCloud. Each appliance is available in four formats: KVMVirtualBoxVMware Workstation and VMware ESXi.

Grab CODE docker image from Docker Hub

The collabora/code Docker image can be installed to any x86-64, ppc64 or arm64 host (e.g. on Linux and Windows), and it is fully configurable. For more information about setup and configuration for deployment, please follow these step-by-step instructions. If you want to try it out quickly, you can set up CODE docker image with file sharing integration in less than 5 minutes in a very basic way, following these instructions: quick tryout with ownCloud or quick tryout with Nextcloud.

Packages for Linux

As an alternative to Docker image, Collabora provide native Linux packages. Please read the CODE Linux packages section below.

Source code… get involved

Grab the source and get involved with CODE Development.

Setting up and configuring native CODE packages on Linux

Collabora provide native Linux packages in deb and rpm formats. For the deb format 3 platforms are supported: amd64, ppc64, and arm64. For the rpm format only amd64 is supported.

1. Import the signing key:

CODE packages are digitally signed by Collabora Productivity Ltd. First step is to import the signing key.

On deb based distributions use the following command:

cd /usr/share/keyrings
sudo wget

On rpm based distributions use the following command:

wget && sudo rpm --import repomd.xml.key

2. Add CODE package repositories:

On deb based distributions create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/collaboraonline.sources with the following contents:

Types: deb
Suites: ./
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/collaboraonline-release-keyring.gpg

On rpm based distributions use the following commands:

RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, etc.:

sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo


sudo zypper ar '' 'CODE'
sudo zypper mr -r 'CODE' # enable auto refresh

3. Install packages:

On deb based distributions use the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install coolwsd code-brand

On RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, etc. use the following command:

sudo yum install coolwsd CODE-brand

On SUSE, use the following command:

sudo zypper ref && sudo zypper in coolwsd CODE-brand

This is the minimal installation, without localizations. For full installation install ‘collaboraoffice*’ packages.

4. Configuration:

Edit /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml. Collabora Online (coolwsd) service runs via systemd. After editing the configuration file, you have to restart the service:

sudo systemctl restart coolwsd

Collabora Online logs into systemd journal by default. You can check the log with:

sudo journalctl -u coolwsd

The default configuration is looking for an SSL certificate and key, which are not present, so probably it’s the best to disable SSL, and optionally enable SSL termination, then set up the reverse proxy.

It is highly recommended to set up a reverse proxy in front of CODE, either you run CODE from Docker, or you use native packages. It is easy, and this way CODE can be reached on standard HTTP or HTTPS ports. We provide sample configuration files for Apache2 and Nginx. If you want SSL, we recommend certificates from Let’s Encrypt.

Now you can give as the WOPI URL in your preferred File Sync and Share solution. See below for specific examples.

For more detailed and pretty instructions on integrating with various partner solutions please see (in alphabetical order):

What next?

That’s it – once you’ve integrated CODE with your preferred File Sync and Share (FSS), or started up your VM you should be setup to share and collaborate on your own documents, with friends, from the comfort of your own home.

So now you’re all happy and secure, why not participate in the project?

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What's the difference?

Download our white papers to learn the key differences between our products.

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