Cyber Incident? Get Help

Experiencing a cyber incident? Call us now.

We offer pre-claims assistance to help mitigate the effects of a cyber incident—without the fear of triggering a claim. The faster you act, the better.

Report a claim image

Need more ways to reach out?

Chat With Agent

We are available to help 24/7/365.

Email Our Team

Write [email protected], or click below.


3 things to have on hand when reporting a cyber incident

Cyber incidents can be scary, but we are here to help. In fact, our average response is 5 minutes after notification.

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Your company info

percentage of funds recovered by Coalition Claims team in 2022 (where recovery was possible)*

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Date of incident

percentage of funds recovered by Coalition Claims team in 2022 (where recovery was possible)*

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Designated point of contact

percentage of funds recovered by Coalition Claims team in 2022 (where recovery was possible)*

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Not as urgent?

Questions about insurance coverage, claims, and more? Happy to help.