CNN  — 

The Bronx Zoo says the woman who trespassed inside its lion enclosure on Saturday put herself in serious danger.

“This action was a serious violation and unlawful trespass that could have resulted in serious injury or death,” a zoo spokesperson said of the woman who climbed over a visitor safety barrier at the African lion exhibit.

The woman can be seen dancing and waving her hands as if taunting the lion to move in a video from a bystander at the exhibit.

In the video, the woman does not appear scared or concerned even as the lion takes a few steps closer to her, and bystanders – including young children – could be heard talking in the background.

Neither the woman nor the lion were injured in the incident.

NYPD Detective Sophia Mason told CNN nobody called 911 and no arrests were made, and they were just notified Tuesday. They had no further information to provide.

The Bronx Zoo filed a complaint for criminal trespass, according to the NYPD.

It is unclear how the woman got over the barrier or how long she was there. But crucially, it appears she never crossed the large moat that separates the lions from those who visit the exhibit.

A look at Google Maps’ Street View confirms the existence of that separation. The Bronx Zoo wouldn’t say how wide or deep it is.

The Bronx Zoo lion exhibit as seen on Google Maps

“Barriers and rules are in place to keep both visitors, staff and animals safe. We have a zero tolerance policy on trespass and violation of barriers,” the zoo said.

CNN’s Monica Haider and Paul P. Murphy contributed to this report.