Dr. Calton Pu

Professor and John P. Imlay, Jr. Chair in Software
College of Computing, Georgia Tech
Director, Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS)

Ph.D., Computer Science & Engineering, U. Washington

Office: KACB, room 3334
Address: Georgia Tech, 266 Ferst Dr, Atlanta, GA 30332-0765 USA
Phone +1-404-385-1106 (Due to the COVID-19 new normal, please send email)
Email: calton dot pu AT cc dot gatech dot edu

Research Interests

Calton's research interests are in the areas of service computing, distributed and cloud computing, dynamic analytics on changing big data. His current projects include cloud computing (WISE/Elba project) and dynamic analytics (GRAIT-DM project) research. Using experimental data from realistic benchmarks, the WISE project studies millibottlenecks, very short bottleneck phenomena that have large impact on n-tier application latency. The GRAIT-DM project continuously collect fake news on COVID-19 and other disasters to distinguish real information from fake news. The sponsors for Calton's research include both government funding agencies such as NSF, and companies from industry such as Fujitsu.  He is the director of Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS) at Georgia Tech.  He is also the director of RCN on Big Data for Smart Cities, managed as part of the GRAIT-DM project. Positions available: Georgia Tech is recruiting good graduate students.

Current projects:

Past projects:


Calton has taught several courses in the areas of systems and databases. In fall, he is teaching CS4220/6235 Real-Time Embedded Systems In spring, he is teaching CS4365/6365 Introduction to Enterprise Computing. Please see detailed information on Oscar and Canvas.


See my project publication pages (above) or google scholar [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Vbv-JEwAAAAJ&hl=en].

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