Professor David Brown



Professor in the Sociology of Sport and ​Physical Culture

Telephone number: +44(0)29 2020 1156
Email address[email protected]​​

David joined the School in 2010. He is active in both the teaching and research of the sociology of sport and physical culture.​​

Research / Publications

David’s research interests concern the development of interpretive sociological under-standings of the body-self-society relationship in the fields of sport and physical culture. Currently his principle research foci is on Eastern movement forms as body-self transforming practice and the changing relationships between physical cultures and sustainability respectively. Previous research has included enquiry into a range of sporting and physical cultures including, male bodybuilding identity and body projects, the corporeal (and gendered) socialization in surfing culture and Higher Education sports cultures and physical education teacher education.​

Refereed Journal Article

Brown, David H. K., & Rhys G. Lloyd. (2024) Using critical social theory as professional learning to develop scholar—practitioners in Physical Education: The example of Bourdieu’s theory of practice. Education Sciences 14, no. 2: 160.

Harris, M., Jones, C. & Brown, D.H.K. (2023) A case study of alcohol use among male university rugby players, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2023.2185281

Xiujie, M., Jennings, G., & Brown, D. (2022). Diffusion, transformation and hybridization: Taijiquan body culture in the United Kingdom. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 19(4), 402–420.

Glynn, E., & Brown, D.H.K.  (2022)  Discrimination on football Twitter: the role of humour in the Othering of minorities, Sport in Society, DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2022.2144726

Harris, M., Jones, C. & Brown, D.H.K. (2022) Alcohol use by Athletes: Hierarchy, status, and Reciprocity (2022) Journal of Sport and Social Issues, DOI:  0 10.1177/01937235221144432 

Brown, D.H.K.,  Jennings, G., Contreras Islas, D. S., Yun, Y., Dodd, S. (2022) Sacred Imagery and the Sacralisation of Violence in the Martial Arts. IM@GO: A Journal of Social Imagery. (19): 35-66. Available at:

Palmer, F., Howells, K., & Brown, D.H.K. (2022). 'Here we go again': A Singular Life History Study Exploring Adversity. Auto/Biography Review3(1).

Pedrini, L., Brown, D.H.K., & Navarini, G. (2021). The antifascist boxing body: Political somatics in boxe popolare. Ethnography.

Brown, D.H.K. (2020) Embodying Charismatic Affect(if): The example of Bruce Lee. Corpus Mundi, 1(3); 14-52. https://  (Please update info here)

Hopkins, E., Bolton, N., Brown, D.H.K, Matthews, N., & Anderson, M. (2020). Beyond TTM and ABC: A Practice Per- spective on Physical Activity Promotion for Adolescent Females from Disadvantaged Backgrounds. Societies, 10(4), 80. DOI: 10.3390/soc10040080

Aldous, D., & Brown, D.H.K. (2020) A critical analysis of CIMSPA's transformative aspirations for UK Higher Education Sport and Physical Activity Vocational Education and Training provision. Sport, Education & Society. DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2020.1786363 

Brown, D., Jennings, G. & Pedrini, L. (2019). Introduction: Cultures of Combat - Body, Culture, Identity. Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, 3(10), 297-316 DOI: 10.3240/95526. Available at:

Pedrini, L., Brown, D.H.K., & Aimini, G. (2019) Leading the left: sociability and the micropolitics of cultural reproduction in grassroots boxe popolare coaching, Sport, Education and Society, DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2019.1672147

Brown, D.H.K. (2019) Physical Culture [Editorial]. Societies 2019, 9(1), 23; doi: 10.3390/soc9010023. Available at:

Rapport, F., Hutchings, H., Doel, M.A,; Wells, B., Clement, C.. Mellalieu, S., Shubin, S., Brown, D., Seah, R., Wright, S., & Sparkes, A. (2018) How Are University Gyms Used by Staff and Students? A Mixed-Method Study Exploring Gym Use, Motivation, and Communication in Three UK Gyms. Societies 8(1) 15.

Chelsea Cinquegrani & David H. K. Brown (2018): 'Wellness' lifts us above the Food Chaos': a narrative exploration of the experiences and conceptualisations of Orthorexia Nervosa through online social media forums, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2018.1464501.
Beaumont, E., & Brown, D.H.K. (2018) 'It's the sea and the beach more than anything for me': Local surfer's and the construction of community and communitas in a rural Cornish seaside village. Journal of Rural Studies59: 58–66.

Beltrán-Carrillo, V. J. ,Ferriz, R.,  Brown, D.H.K.,&  González-Cutre, D.  (2017)  Qualitative evaluation of a school intervention for the promotion of physical activity: Learning from the perspective of the target population. .European Journal of Human Movement, 38, 1-21.

Symonds, P.,  Brown, D.H.K.  and Lo Iacono V.  (2017) Exploring an absent presence: Wayfinding as an embodied sociocultural experience. Sociological Research Online. , 22 (1), 5. Available at:

Dodd, S.A. Brown, H.K. (2016) Kata – The true essence of Budo martial arts? Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, 11(1):32-47. [abstract

Lo lacono, V., & Brown D.H.K. (2016) Heritage as a duality of tangible and intangible: Towards a model of living cultural heritage. Dance Research Journal, 34(1) 84-105.

Lo Iacono, V., Symonds, P., & Brown, D. H. K. (2016) Skype as a Tool for Qualitative Research Interviews. Sociological Research Online, 21(2), 12. Available at:

​Beaumont, E. & Brown, D.H.K. (2014): 'Once a Local Surfer, Always a Local Surfer': Local Surfing Careers in a Southwest English Village, Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Abstract.

Beaumont, E., & Brown, D.H.K. (2014) ‘It’s not something I’m proud of but it’s ... just how I feel’: Local surfer perspectives of localism, Leisure Studies. [abstract]

Edwards, L. L., Brown, D. H. K., & Smith, L. (2014) "We are getting there slowly": lesbian teacher experiences in the post-Section 28 environment. Sport, Education and Society, 1–20. Abstract

Gutiérrez-García, C., Gutiérrez-García,M. Brown, D.H.K.,Álvarez del Palacio, E. (2014) Bibliographies on Asian martial arts: a review. Ido Movement for Culture: Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology.

Pérez-Gutiérrez, M., Brown, D. H. K., Álvarez-del-Palacio, E., & Gutiérrez-García, C. (2014) The (re)emergence of a religio-spiritual self-cultivation focus in Asian martial arts monographs published in Spain (1906–2009). The International Journal of the History of Sport, 1–18. Abstract

Brown, D., Jennings, G., & Sparkes, A. (2014). Taijiquan the "Taiji World" Way: Towards a Cosmopolitan Vision of Ecology. Societies, 4(3), 380–398. Abstract

Aldous, D., Sparkes, A.C. & Brown, D.H.K. (2014). Trajectories towards Failure: Considerations regarding post-16 transitions within the UK sport-education sector. Sport, Education and Society 1–17. Abstract

Brown, David H.K. (2013): Seeking spirituality through physicality in schools: learning from 'Eastern movement forms', International Journal of Children's Spirituality. 18(1) 30-45. Abstract

Aldous, D.C.R., Sparkes, A.C., & Brown, D.H.K. (2012) Transitional experiences of post-16 sports education: Jack's story, British Journal of Sociology of EducationAbstract

Vicente J. Beltrán-Carrillo, José Devís-Devís, Carmen Peiró-Velert, and David H.K. Brown (2012) When Physical Activity Participation Promotes Inactivity: Negative Experiences of Spanish Adolescents in Physical Education and Sport. Youth & Society, 44(1) 3-27. Abstract

Brown D.H.K. & Jennings, G. (2011) La lignee corporelle: conceptualisation de la transmission des arts martiaux traditionnels en Occident. STAPS 93, 61 - 71

Brown, D. H. K. (2011) La concezione weberiana del carisma: il caso delle arti marziali. Religioni e Società, 7, pp.42-60
Sparkes, A.C., Partington, E., & Brown, D.H.K. (2010). The "Jock body" in social space: Capital, culture, and gender. Space and culture, 13 (3), 333 - 347 [Abstract

Jennings, G., & Brown, D.H.K., & Sparkes, A.C. (2010). It can be a religion for you if you want it to be": An ethnography of a Wing Chun Kung Fu's club as a body-self transforming cultural practice. Ethnography, 11 (4), 533 - 557 [Abstract

Aldous, D., & Brown, D.H.K. (2010) Framing bodies of knowledge within the "acoustics" of the School: Exploring pedagogical transition through Newly Qualified Physical Education Teacher experiences. Submitted Sport, Education & Society, 15 (4), 411 - 429 Abstract 

Brown, D.H.K., & Leledaki, A. (2010) Eastern movement forms as body-self transforming cultural practices in the West: Towards A sociological perspective. Cultural Sociology 4(1 (1), 123-154. Abstract

Brown D.H.K, Molle, A, Jennings, G (2009) Belief in the martial arts: Exploring relationships between Asian martial arts and religion. Stadion, 35, pp.47 - 66. 

Smith, B., Allen-Collinson, J., Phoenix, C., Brown, D.H.K., & Sparkes , A. C. (2009). Dialogue, Monologue, and Boundary Crossing Within Research Encounters: A Performative Narrative Analysis International. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 7(3), 342-358. 

Leledaki, A. & Brown, D.H.K. (2008). 'Physicalisation': A pedagogy of body-mind cultivation for liberation in modern Yoga and Meditation methods. Asian Medicine Tradition and Modernity, 4(2) 303-337. Abstract

Brown, D.H.K., Jennings, G., & Leledaki, A. (2008). The changing charismatic status of the performing male body in Asian martial arts films. Sport in Society, 11(2), 174 - 194. Abstract

Sicilia-Camacho, A., & Brown, D.H.K. (2008). Revisiting the paradigm shift from the "versus" to the "non-versus" notion of Mosston's Spectrum of teaching styles in physical education pedagogy: a critical pedagogical perspective. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 13(1), 85 - 108. Abstract

Sparkes, A.C., Partington, S., & Brown, D.H.K. (2007). Bodies as bearers of value and the transmission of jock culture: Some ethnographic insights. Sport, Education & Society 12(3) 295-316. Abstract

Brown, D.H.K. (2006). Pierre Bourdieu's "masculine domination" thesis and the gendered body in sport and physical culture. Sociology of Sport Journal 23(2), 162-188. Abstract

Sparkes, A.C., Batey, J., & Brown, D.H.K. (2005). The muscled self and Its aftermath: A life history study of an elite, black, male bodybuilder. Auto/Biography, 13, 131-160. 

Brown, D.H.K. (2005). An economy of gendered practices? Learning to teach physical education from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu's embodied sociology. Sport, Education and Society, 10(1), 3-23. Abstract

Villamón, M., Brown, D.H.K., Espartero, J., & Gutiérrez, C. (2004). Modernization and the disembedding of Judo from 1946 to the 2000 Sydney Olympics. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 39(2), 139-156. Abstract

Brown, D.H.K., & Evans, J. (2004). Reproducing gender? Intergenerational links and the male PE teacher as a cultural conduit in teaching physical education. Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 23, 48-70. Abstract

Brown, D.H.K. (2003). El projecto corporal culturista. Construyendo nuevas identidades a través de la supermascularidad. Ágora: Para la Educación Física y el Deporte, 2-3, 61 - 74.

Brown, D.H.K. (2002). Going digital and staying qualitative: Some alternative strategies for digitizing the qualitative research process, FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung (Vol. 3). Online article

Brown, D.H.K., & Johnson, A. (2000). The social practice of self defence martial arts: Applications for physical education. Quest, 52(3), 246-259. Abstract

Brown, D.H.K. (1999). Complicity and reproduction in teaching physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 4(2), 143-160. Abstract

Brown, D.H.K. (1999). Bodybuilders and the social meaning of muscle. Auto/Biography, 7(1&2), 83-90.

Short Articles

​​Gardiner, B., Brown, D., & Edwards, L. (2023) Why we need to re-envision the relationship between feminism and environmentalism in sport for a more sustainable sporting future. Sport and The International Platform on Sport and Development. Available at:

Brown, D. & Jennings, G. (2018). The real-life dangers of learning self-defence from viral videos - martial arts experts. The Conversation. Available at:

Ford N, & Brown, D.H.K. (2006). Surfing and Social Theory: Experience, Embodiment and Narrative of the Dream Glide. London: Routledge Details

Chapters in Books

Jones, C., Brown, D.H.K., Harris, M. (2020) Researching drinking cultures in sport: Making difficult ethical decisions. In S. Gee (Ed) Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry: A Global Cocktail (pp. 147-162). London: Emerald Publishing. 

Jennings, G., Dodd, S. & Brown, D.H.K.  (2020). Cultivation through Asian form-based martial arts pedagogy. In D. Lewin and K. Kenklies (Eds.). East Asian Pedagogies: Education as Transformation Across Cultures and Borders (pp. 63-77). New York: Springer. 

Aldous, D., & Brown, D., (2018) Recoding academic expectations: The use of storytelling as pedagogy in supporting transition of level 5 students. In Sue Tangey, Ruth Matheson & Mark Sutcliffe (Eds.) Transition in, through and out of Higher Education: International case studies and best practice (pp.71-75). Oxon: Routledge 

Brown, D., Morgan, K. & Aldous D. (2017) Changing the student teacher habitus: Interweaving Bourdieu's theory of practice, with pragmatism's crisis, creativity, and problem based learning. In Karen Lux Gaudreault & K. Andrew R. Richards (Eds.) New Perspectives on Teacher Socialization in Physical Education. (pp. 194-211). Oxon: Routledge.

Brown, D. (2016) Taoism through Tai Chi Chuan: Physical Culture as Religious or holistic spirituality? In Marian de Souza, Jane Bone and Jacqueline Watson (Eds) Spirituality across Disciplines: Research and Practice (pp. 317-330). S.l.: Springer

​Brown, David H. K., and Aldous, David C.R. (2015) Challenging the Economy of Gendered Practices in PE Using Bourdieu's Embodied Reflexive Sociology. In lisahunter, Wayne Smith, and elke emerald (Eds.) Fields of Physical Culture: Encounters with and beyond Pierre Bourdieu (pp. 74–83). Oxford: Routledge .

Brown, D.H.K. (2014) Body experience lineages in martial art cultures. In K Gilbert (Ed) Fighting: Intellectualising Combat Sports. Champaign, Illinois: Common Ground Publishing.

Brown, D.H. K,  & Jennings, G. (2013) In search of the martial habitus: Identifying core dispositional schemes, in R. Sanchez, & D. Spencer (Eds)  Fighting Scholars (pp. 33-48). London: Anthem Press.

Brown, D. H. K. (2010). Quality in Publishing: A Qualitative Perspective. In J. V. Valcárcel & J. D. Devís (Eds.), La Calidad y Evaluación de las Revistas Científicas a Debate: Una mirada desde las Ciencias de la Actividad Fisica y el Deporte (pp. 73-90). Valencia: Publicaciones de la Universitat de València (PUV).

Brown, D.H.K., & Ford, N. J. (2007). The body and extreme Sport. In D. Booth (Ed.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of Extreme Sport (pp. 36-42).

Brown, D.H.K., & Leledaki, A. (2005). Fitness, health, self defence, spirituality and therapy: Situating Eastern movement forms as body-self transforming practice in the West. In J. A. Diniz, F. De Costa & M. Onoffe (Eds.), AIESEP 2005 World Congress: Active Lifestyles: The Impact of Education and Sport (pp. 217-230). Lisbon: Universidad Técnica de Lisboa.

Brown, D.H.K. (2005). Cuerpo, cultura y transmisión en la actividad física: Considerando el ejemplo de las artes marciales tradicionales (J. I. B. Gonzalez, Trans.). In N. J. Boris Calle (Ed.), La Formación De Los Educadores De Las Actividades Físico-Deportivas Extraescolares (pp. 23-36). Palencia: Patronato Municipal de Deportes: Ayunatmiento de Palenica con la Universidad de Valladolid.

Brown, D.H.K. (2003). Using Pierre Bourdieu's embodied sociology to conceptualize the gendered cultural economy in Physical Education. In Deporte Y Calidad De Vida (Cd). Proceedings of the Congresso Mundial De Ciencias De La Actividad Fisica Y El Deporte (pp. 42-47). Granada (ES).

Brown, D.H.K., & Rich, E. J. (2002). Gender positioning as pedagogical practice in learning to teach Physical Education. In D. Penney (Ed.), Gender and Physical Education: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions (pp. 80-100). London: Routledge.​

Selected Presentations

Brown, D.H.K. & Lloyd, Rhys (2024) Using Critical Social Theory as Professional Learning to Develop Scholar - Practitioners in Physical Education. Invited presentation to the SHEdRC Research Seminar Series, Edith Cowan University, 30th April 2024 (online).

Brown, D.H.K. (2023) Underpinning diversity, equity and inclusion research with principles of sustainability. Invited presented to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Education Research group, Cardiff Metropolitan University, 8th March 2023 (online).​

Brown, D.H.K. (2019) The ecological habitus and its relationship with eco-spirituality. A practice sociological perspective. Paper presented at the 2019 CESNUR Conference: Re-enchanting the world: Spiritualities and Religions of the Third Millennium. Campus Luigi Einaudi, Università di Torino. Torino, Italy, 5-7 September 2019. 

Brown, D.H.K. (2019) Changing Lives Through Leisure: A Practice Sociological Perspective. Opening Keynote address of  the Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference: Changing Lives Through Leisure,  9-14th July 2019 Abertay University, Dundee.

Brown, D.H.K. (2017) Gender in Physical Education from the perspective of Bourdieu's embodied theory of social practice. Closing Keynote presented to the el IV Simposium Internacional de Primavera "Educación Física y Justicia Social: Poblaciones Vulneradas. 5th & 6th May 2017 at the Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (FCAFE) de la Universitat de València. Valencia Spain.

Brown, D.H.K. (2015) The ecological habitus in sport and physical culture. Paper presented at the 20th annual ECSS conference: Sustainable Sport, Malmo Sweden, 24th-27th June 2015.​​​​​​​​​

Brown, D.H.K. (2012) Seeking spirituality through Physical Education and Sports: Learning from "Eastern Movement Forms". Opening Keynote address of The 12th International Conference on Children's Spirituality entitled: Spirituality and Physicality: Crossing Thresholds. 1st – 5th July 2012. School of Education and Lifelong Learning and Centre for Spirituality and Religion in Education. University of East Anglia, Norwich UK.

Brown, D.H.K., & Aldous, D. (2011) Strong structuration theory in educational research. Staff Research Lecture at the School of Lifelong learning, University of East Anglia, Norwich UK.

Brown, D.H.K., Aldous, D. (2010) Strong structuration theory in educational research. Keynote presented at La Evaluación Formativa en el Contexto Internacional de la Convergencia Europea: V Congreso Internacional de Evaluación Formativa en Docencia Universitaria. Universidad de Alcalá, Quadalajara, Spain, September 2010.

Brown, D.H.K., & Jennings, G. (2009) Social perspectives of tradition martial arts practice. Total Control! Martial Arts and Science. The Dana Centre, The Science Museum, London. February 24th 2009. (Presented by David Brown)

Brown, D.H.K. (2007) Quality in Publishing: A Qualitative Perspective. Journal Quality Conference. Valencia, Spain. October. (Invited Keynote).

Brown, D.H.K.(2007) Invited lecture: A Multi-dimensional approach to change with regards to training teachers for physical education and physical activity. PE PAYS lecture series, University of Limerick.

Brown, D.H.K. (2006) ¿Una economía de las prácticas de género? Aprendiendo a enseñar la educación física desde la perspectiva de la sociología corporal de Pierre Bourdieu. Universidad de Almeria, Spain.  

Brown, D.H.K. (2006) Holistic Bodies? (What) Can we learn from Eastern movement forms in physical education? Universitat de Valencia.

Brown, D.H.K. (2005) The body, culture and transmission in physical activity: Considering the example of the traditional martial arts. La Formación De Los Educadores De Las Actividades Físico-Deportivas Extraescolares (pp. 23-36). La Universidad de Valladolid, Palenica, Spain. (Invited keynote).​

Teaching and Supervision

Module leadership and administration

  • Module leader for: SSE7250 Sustainable Practice in Sport and Physical Culture.

MRes Critical Social Science Supervision - current

MRes Critical Social Science Supervision - previous

  1. Bethany Gardiner. ‘The Greenest Football Club in the World’: An exploration of practices and values held by a football club that re-envisions the relationship between sustainability and feminism.
  2. Kelly Vinnicombe. Exploring the negotiation of Sport, Physical Education and Health student identities.

PhD and Professional Doctorate supervision – current

  1. Nathan Burrows Title TBC (Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Sport and Health Sciences).
  2. Mara Mata. Cultural competency in sport coaching: a case-study of international volleyball coaches in the UK. (Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Sport and Health Sciences).
  3. Daniel Jacklin: Drivers of Extreme Rapid Weight Change Practices In Combat Sports: A Holistic View. (Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Sport and Health Sciences).
  4. Rhys Lloyd. A critical exploration into the role of human centred design on Physical Education teacher’s professional learning within the Health and Well-being (HWB) Area of Learning and Experience (AoLE). (Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Sport and Health Sciences).​
  5. Xiaoyun Tang Life Histories and Transformational Experiences of Chinese Football Coaches in an Age of Policy Reform. (Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Sport and Health Sciences).
  6. Priscella Amber Nohle. Cultural Interoperability in a Multinational Military Organization: will Allied Command Transformation increase interoperability through improving cultural awareness? (Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Sport and Health Sciences).
  7. Adam Rutherford. Climate Change: the lens through which NATO must view the Future Security
  8. Environment. (Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Sport and Health Sciences).
  9. Eleanore Glynn. Football Fandoms on Twitter: The Continued Use of Discriminatory Language Online. (Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Sport and Health Sciences).

PhD supervision - previous

  1. Kirsten Stevens-Wood (2024) Considering the experimentality of an Intentional Community: An ethnographic study into the ways in which communal living facilitates experimentation, creativity, and innovation. (Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Education and Social Policy).

  2. Sanjana Tewari (2023) Embodied Transmission of Culture: Exploring the case of Kathak Dance in London. (University of Milan - Bicocca, Department of Sociology and Social Research)

  3. Matteo Di Placido: Modern Yoga Pedagogies, Spirituality and Self-Transformation: a multi-sensorial ethnography.

  4. (University of Milan - Bicocca, Department of Sociology and Social Research)

  5. Ellyse Hopkins (2023) 'The Double Jeopardy of Practice': Changing Relationships Between Physical Activity and Young Women from Economically Disadvantaged Areas, (Cardiff Metropolitan University).

  6. Marc Ashley Harris (2020) Alcohol use by student athletes: Culture, Hierarchy and Habit, (Cardiff Metropolitan University).

  7. Valeria lo Lacono: Dance as living and experienced cultural heritage: a transcultural Ethnochoreology of Raqs Sharqi, (Cardiff Metropolitan University).

  8. Lorenzo Pedrini (2018):Moving Like a Boxer Punching Like a Comrade: The Embodiment of a Political Culture in Boxe Popolare.(University of Milan - Bicocca, Department of Sociology and Social Research)

  9. Paul Symonds (2018) Finding Our Way: A Socio-Cultural Exploration of Wayfinding as an Embodied Experience. (Cardiff Metropolitan University).

  10. Christian Edwards: (2016) An exploration into the social significance of humour in the complex interaction of coaching relationships. Unpublished PhD thesis, (Cardiff Metropolitan University).

  11. Rhiannon Lord (2015) The embodied experiences of trampoline gymnasts: an ethnographic study. Unpublished PhD thesis, (Cardiff Metropolitan University).

  12. Beaumont, Emily (2011) The Local Surfer: Issues of Identity and Community within South East Cornwall (University of Exeter).

  13. Jennings, George (2010) Through the Long-Term Practice of Traditionalist Chinese Martial Arts Fighters, Thinkers, and Shared Cultivation: Experiencing Transformation. Unpublished PhD thesis, (University of Exeter).

  14. Aldous, David Rhys (2010) Critical Reflection on the Student Experience of Equal Possibilities not Restricted Opportunity: A 'Vocational' Transition within the Field of Sport Education. Unpublished PhD thesis (University of Exeter).

  15. Leledaki, A. (2007). Inner and Outer Journeys: A Qualitative Life History of Modern Yoga and Meditation as Body-Self-Transforming Pedagogies, (University of Exeter).

Qualifications and Awards

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)

PhD (Sociology of Physical Education)

MPhil (Education) 

BA Ed (Physical Education with French)  

External Links

Member of The International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society 

Editorial Board for Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas

Editorial Board for Sociología del Deporte

Scientific Committee for Im@go. A Journal of the Social Imaginary

Short Articles

Gardiner, B., Brown, D., & Edwards, L. (2023) Why we need to re-envision the relationship between feminism and environmentalism in sport for a more sustainable sporting future. Sport and The International Platform on Sport and Development. Available at: [Accessed on 16/06/2023]

Brown, D. & Jennings, G. (2018). The real-life dangers of learning self-defence from viral videos - martial arts experts. The Conversation. Available at:

Sporting / Coaching Profile