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Every issue features:

  • Program & Network Ratings – what’s on top, what’s slipping and sliding, and why
  • Wheeling and Dealing – we help you keep your eye on what’s important, and who comes out on top in the new deals, developments and power plays
  • The intersection of digital and social media, technology and multi-platform distribution – and who’s got the next big idea… plus, how the FCC will get involved
  • Breaking business, finance, M&A results – implications for ALL parties involved
  • Broadband adoption – how fast and how far, and the best-suited platforms
  • People and Executives – where are they moving and who are the rising stars
  • Regular Columns like: “Think About That for a Minute” by Steve Effros, Programmer’s Page
  • Executive Round Up, Weekly Dashboard and The Who & The Why, CFX’s spotlight on recent hires & promotions


For more information, please contact Client Services at 301-354-1615 or [email protected].

The Daily


New Chicago RSN Nears First Deal, per Report

The launch of Chicago’s new regional sports network is set for Oct. 1, and it’s close to finalizing its first carriage agreement. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that the Chicago Sports Network is nearing a

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Dec 4
2024 Most Powerful Women Awards Nominations Open July 8th, 2024.
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Seeking an INDUSTRY JOB?

Hiring? In conjunction with our sister brand, Cynopsis, we are offering hiring managers a deep pool of media-savvy, skilled candidates at a range of experience levels and sectors, The result will be an even more robust industry job board, to help both employers and job seekers.

Contact Rob Hudgins, [email protected], for more information.