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    26 Useful Home Things That'll Also Brighten Up Your Day

    If you don't have a bed for your sponge, what are you even doing?

    1. A set of handmade felt coasters shaped like your favorite feline, except these are more interested in holding your glass rather than knocking it over.

    Model holding coffee cup with four cat-shaped coasters on table

    2. An adorable puppy or kitten-shaped door stopper so you can prop open all your doors and let your pet have full reign of the house, like they deserve.

    3. A beautifully designed sunrise shower curtain so you'll always have a serene dose of sunshine — even if you prefer night showers.

    Shower curtain with sunrise pattern

    4. A super cute tissue box shaped like the house none of us can afford since we keep making avocado toast for lunch every day.

    House-shaped tissue box placed on table

    5. A cutting board featuring your favorite fruit (yes, avocados are fruits!) doing a variety of yoga poses while you make avocado toast for the seventh time this week.

    Cutting board with illustrated avocados placed on kitchen counter

    6. A set of ice cream spoons that are perfect for shoveling ice cream straight from the pint when you've just had one of those days ... for the seventh time this week.

    7. A set of coasters with the floofiest, goofiest corgis you ever did see. No judgment if you find yourself petting these throughout the day.

    8. An elephant-shaped toothbrush holder with a draining hole in its 3D-printed snout. It'll be like going to the zoo every time you brush your teeth, without the overpriced tickets.

    9. A precious sloth that comes with its very own air plant, so it's basically one adorable thing holding another. Adorable-ception, if you will.

    Sloth air plant holder placed on desk

    10. A phone holder that uses the sheer force of Baby Yoda (The Child? The Kid? Grogu? Sorry nerds, I have no idea what to call it anymore) to prop your phone up for easy viewing.

    11. A set of cat butt fridge magnets for holding all your grocery lists and passive-aggressive notes to your roommate — and to thoroughly confuse your actual cat.

    Cat butt magnets holding up sticky notes placed on freezer door

    12. An egg holder that makes it so much easier to lower eggs into boiling water thanks to the help of six cute penguins. You can cook, serve, and store your hard-boiled eggs right in their flappy little arms!

    13. Your very own Loch Ness monster to brew you a perfect 🍵 cuppa 🍵 and hang out in your mug while you enjoy a well-deserved tea break.

    Baby Nessie tea infuser placed in tea cup and placed on table

    14. A key holder with a fun surprise. When you place a key on the hook-shaped tail, a tiny squirrel pops up and looks oh-so-happy to see you. Although, the squirrel goes away when you take the key off, so I'd basically never leave my house.

    15. A kitchen sink bed so your sponge has a place to rest its head at night after a long dish-washing session. Seriously, it's time to stop throwing it in the sink and treat it with some respect.

    16. A cat-shaped night light, because everyone should have a little bedside table pet of their very own. Plus, this one won't act ungrateful and only pay attention to you when it's hungry.

    17. A snail hand soap dispenser that's equal parts charming and gross. So basically, everyone who steps into your bathroom will be obsessed with it.

    Model dispensing soap from snail-shaped dispenser

    18. A light therapy lamp that mimics the color temperature of natural sunlight so you can fight those winter blues and have your own little personal sunrise every morning — even if you wake up way too late to see the actual sunrise.

    Reviewer photo of light therapy lamp on bedside table

    19. A ridiculously adorable Baby Yoda desk lamp so The Force will be with you even during the most stressful of workdays.

    The Child mini desk lamp placed on desk

    20. A doodle pad to keep on your desk that's perfect for scribbling down all of those brilliant ideas that spontaneously come to you... or for fooling your boss into thinking you're taking notes when you're really just doodling your latest masterpiece.

    Doodle pad with print of children painting on a wall

    21. A colorful desk elephant to hold your phone and unruly collection of pens and pencils — so, all the things you find yourself frantically searching for.

    Elephant-shaped phone holder with with iPhone and various supplies placed on desk

    22. A pen with a gorgeous crown on top so you can let everyone know who the queen of your home office is. You might just be inspired to write secrets about your household in your own version of Lady Whistledown's Society Papers.

    Seven pens with crown-shaped toppers with different colors

    23. Or a shimmery gold pen with a fluffy pom-pom on top that will make you want to grab your best plaid skirt and channel your inner Cher Horowitz.

    Three gold pens with pom-poms on top placed in an accessory tray

    24. A personalized jewelry stand to become the standout item on your vanity. You know that giant knot of tangled bracelets and earrings in your drawer right now? This will eliminate that for good.

    25. A mini bubble tea light for anyone who is made up of 98% boba at this point.

    Mini boba tea-shaped lamp placed on a stack of books

    26. And an egg white separator that can hold up to four egg yolks at a time and is really just too adorable for words, so I'm going to stop typing now.

    Every time you look at your cute new items:

    Looking for more stuff to help make your house a home? Check out the best places to buy inexpensive furniture online, the best places to buy couches online, cute home decor you’ll wish you knew about sooner, or check out all of our home content for even more great ideas.

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