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Women in Business

Success stories on starting and running a business from women entrepreneurs.

Latest: Advice, Tips and Resources

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Facing the Gender Gap in the Workplace
By Skye Schooley | May 30, 2024

Despite significant progress, the workplace gender gap still exists. Learn some strategies to help close it.

Key Steps Women Can Take to Be Strong Leaders
By Marci Martin | January 17, 2024

Gender equality ideals have opened up leadership roles for women in the workplace. Learn how female leaders can continue closing the gender gap.

Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs — Plus, Some of the Most Successful Women to Follow
By Adam Uzialko | November 08, 2023

Entrepreneurial leaders share insights on difficulties they have faced as women in their field and how they overcame them.

Why Women Feel Left Out of the Conversation at Work
By Shayna Waltower | October 23, 2023

Many women face microaggressions in the workplace. Learn how to create a more equitable company and ensure everyone is invited to the conversation.

Gendered Jobs Are on the Decline, But Stereotypes Remain
By Siri Hedreen | October 19, 2023

The idea of gendered jobs is increasingly outdated. Learn how to gradually dismantle such work stereotypes among your team.