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The Trade Desk's CEO just revealed his plan to control 'most' of a potential $500 billion retail ad market currently dominated by rival adtech firm Criteo

Jeff Green, CEO of The Trade Desk
Jeff Green, CEO of The Trade Desk The Trade Desk
  • The Trade Desk's Jeff Green told investors that he aims to grab most of the $500 billion retail ad market.
  • However, that area is already dominated by rival adtech companies like Criteo and CitrusAd.
  • The Trade Desk already works with Walmart and others to sell ads off of retailers' websites.

The Trade Desk CEO Jeff Green sees a big opportunity in e-commerce advertising.

Most of the money there comes from search ads that appear on retailers' websites — an area that The Trade Desk doesn't currently touch, and that's dominated by adtech firms like Criteo, CitrusAd, and PromoteIQ.

But during an investor presentation on Tuesday, Green claimed e-commerce ads will soon be a $500 billion opportunity, and he expects The Trade Desk to control "most" of that. 

The Trade Desk hopes it can use the fact that it's a major source of demand for ad sellers to capture the e-commerce ad opportunity.


"I think over time most of that will be available to The Trade Desk — even things like sponsored listings where it's optimal for those [placements] to get as much demand as possible," he said. "There's more supply than there is demand."

But in order to grab a significant slice of e-commerce ad budgets, The Trade Desk first needs to actually build ad products that can buy ads on e-commerce websites, and successfully pitch advertisers to use The Trade Desk to do so.

While The Trade Desk is already working with retailers like Walmart, Target, and Home Depot to help advertisers buy programmatic ads that are powered by retailers' data, those ads do not appear on their websites. Such offsite ads are growing, but will only represent $5 billion of the $40 billion spent on retail media in the US this year, according to Insider Intelligence, which is owned by Insider.

The Trade Desk faces stiff competition from Criteo and CitrusAd that are building products that sell both onsite and offsite ads for retailers.


Although The Trade Desk doesn't yet have those retail ad products, Green said The Trade Desk can already use retailers' data to show whether a digital ad drove a sale.

"Measurement has not been very effective in the open internet," he said. "Now you can show an ad to a consumer and then see when that same consumer actually buys it in a brick-and-mortar store — it creates a level of efficiency in the open internet that we've never had before."

The Trade Desk is the largest independent adtech firm, and the company's moves typically indicate where the industry is investing. The firm's stock price has increased 300% since March 2020.

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