high vowel

Also known as: close vowel

Learn about this topic in these articles:

characteristics of Tai languages

  • map of Tai languages
    In Tai languages: Phonological characteristics

    …accent), falling (using a circumflex), high (using an acute accent), and rising (using a wedge, or haček); for example, maa (with no diacritic) ‘to come,’ màak (with a grave accent) ‘areca nut,’ mâak (with a circumflex) ‘much,’ máa (with an acute accent) ‘horse,’ and mǎa (with a wedge) ‘dog’ are…

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tongue position

  • In vowel

    A high vowel (such as i in “machine” and u in “rule”) is pronounced with the tongue arched toward the roof of the mouth. A low vowel (such as a in “father” or “had”) is produced with the tongue relatively flat and low in the mouth…

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