Seeds on Ice

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“Seeds on Ice” audio

Explore other Botanize! episodes and learn more about the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

“Seeds on Ice” transcript

Melissa Petruzzello: Good day, listeners. Thanks for tuning in to Botanize! I’m your host, Melissa Petruzzello, Encyclopædia Britannica’s plant and environmental science editor. So far in this series, we’ve talked about wild organisms—mostly plants but also kelp and fungi. I do love a good organismal story, but I also love when humans are doing smart things. I’m responsible for agricultural and various conservation topics for Britannica, and today we’re going to be combining those and focusing on one of humanity’s great forward-looking endeavors: seed banking. But not just any seed bank—oh no. Today we’re going to be talking about the incredible Svalbard Global Seed Vault. And we have a very special guest, Åsmund Asdal, who is the Seed Vault coordinator in Norway. Welcome, Åsmund. Thank you so much for sharing your time with us today. It is an honor to have you.

Åsmund Asdal: Thank you for inviting me.

Melissa Petruzzello: We are so excited to have you here! For those of you who aren’t familiar with this facility and the service it provides humanity, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault stores agricultural seeds from around the world to protect crop diversity. One of the things that makes it so exciting is the fact that it’s located well above the Arctic Circle on an island of the Svalbard archipelago, which is some 1,200 miles (2,000 kilometers) north of the city of Oslo, far away from the rest of civilization. So, Åsmund, tell us a bit about the Global Seed Vault. Where did the seeds come from, and why are they stored at such a remote location?

Åsmund Asdal: Well, let’s see. The Vault is actually a facility for storing copies, duplicates, of seeds that are conserved in gene banks all over the world. In principle, all gene banks are invited to put copies of their valuable seeds in the Seed Vault, like a bank box insurance. And why do gene banks conserve these seeds? This is because we need the genetic diversity that is represented in these seeds for producing new plant varieties, for producing more food, for coping with a changing climate, new plant diseases, and so on. So, actually, we need these resources for being able to feed the growing population in the future.

Melissa Petruzzello: Yeah, I mean, it’s so important to remember that a crop seed represents hundreds or even thousands of years of human effort in domestication and breeding. Each variety of each crop holds genes that are unique to the area in which it was developed, and each holds untold potential for addressing our future food needs. The preservation of as many unique genetic lines as possible is just so important, and having duplicates in the Global Seed Vault is really a valuable endeavor. Now tell me, does Norway pay for the storage of the seeds around the world, and what prompted such a generous, globally minded endeavor?

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Åsmund Asdal: Yeah, it is correct that Norway has provided the funding for the building and the management of the Seed Vault. And this is a kind of contribution from Norway to conserve the genetic diversity of crops. And the cost of the management of the Seed Vault is shared between the Norwegian government and the international organization Crop Trust and also my organization, the Nordic Genetic Resource Centre, which is responsible for the management of the Seed Vault. There are hundreds of gene banks all over the world, and Norway does not, at least not directly, pay for the conservation of the genetic material in these gene banks. Crop Trust is an international fund. They contribute to the conservation of seeds in these gene banks, especially the international gene banks and also national gene banks in developing countries. It’s free of charge for all gene banks to have seeds stored in the Seed Vault. The gene bank has to produce the seeds, pack the seeds, and send the seeds to the Seed Vault, but it’s free of charge to store them in the Seed Vault. And it’s also important to say that the seeds in the Seed Vault remain the property of the gene bank that sent them. And only these gene banks can have the seeds back if they should need them. And so far, 87 gene banks all over the world have sent seeds, and at the moment we have more than one million seed samples inside the Seed Vault.

Melissa Petruzzello: Wow. That’s an incredible number, and it’s so admirable that this exists as a backup. And you help coordinate the movement of the seeds from the gene banks into the Seed Vault?

Åsmund Asdal: Yes, that’s actually my main job. So I stay in touch with gene banks all over the world. I inform them about the conditions and how they should pack and send the seeds. We organize so-called “Seed Vault openings” a few times during the year, and we encourage gene banks to send their seeds at these dates. And when they send the seeds, we go to Svalbard and we put the seeds into the Seed Vault.

Melissa Petruzzello: I see. That’s amazing! Now, the vault itself has been described as something like a “doomsday fortress.” What features does the Svalbard Seed Vault have that are above and beyond what might be found at most standard gene banks?

Åsmund Asdal: Well, we are not very happy about the expression “the doomsday vault,” because this is actually an active part of a global system for conserving genetic resources in crops. It’s actually nothing we have created for some remote future in 100 or 1,000 years. You know, seeds do not live forever. Some species can stay alive for 50 years, some even perhaps 1,000 years. But this Seed Vault, as part of this global system, needs to be followed up, and the seeds need to be replaced. Already, one bank has requested the seeds to be sent back. So we used to say that this is not a doomsday vault, it’s an active part of a global existing system. But of course the Global Seed Vault has been constructed in order to stay for centuries. And quite recently the Norwegian government allocated about $20 million to improve the entrance tunnel of the Seed Vault. So now we feel very confident that the seeds inside are very safe related to climate change, related to any unfriendly acts that we can imagine. And it’s also said that the Seed Vault could stand a nuclear bomb because it’s so deep inside the mountain outside on the island in Svalbard.

Melissa Petruzzello: Wow. OK. So it’s not a stagnant thing where seeds just go and wait for something terrible to happen. It is an active process where seeds are replaced and are being actively added to the Vault. You mentioned that you had one withdrawal of the seeds. Will you tell us more about what necessitated that?

Åsmund Asdal: Yes. This was the International Center for Agricultural Research in [the] Dry Areas, which is [a] big international institute, abbreviated to ICARDA. Previously ICARDA had its headquarters and gene bank in Aleppo in Syria. And, fortunately, ICARDA sent copies of their seeds to Svalbard, already from the beginning in 2008 and until 2014, and they had duplicated most of their seed collections in Svalbard. And in 2015, due to the conflict in Syria, ICARDA had to see that their gene bank in Aleppo was not functioning properly anymore. Then they asked to have their seeds that were deposited in the Seed Vault back, and they chose units in Lebanon and in Morocco. ICARDA is a big institute, having institutes in many countries, and they chose Morocco and Lebanon to be the appropriate places to reestablish gene banks for this region. We have, during the years from 2015 until 2019, sent all their seeds from Aleppo back to these two countries. They have already multiplied all these seeds, and a lot of seeds have been sent back to Svalbard and deposited for a second time already.

Melissa Petruzzello: Wonderful! The development of dry-adapted crops is so important in a changing world, and for this facility to be able to get their backups back in the face of civil conflict is so wonderful. Is that kind of exactly what the Global Seed Vault is for, that type of situation?

Åsmund Asdal: Yes. This ICARDA story and the conflict in Syria is, of course, a very sad history, but it also illustrates quite well why the Seed Vault is needed. And, of course, as [for] all such insurance measures, we do not hope that we will need them, but when we really need them, we are very happy that they are in place and functioning well. And this case showed us the need for the Seed Vault, and it also showed us that we were able to send back viable and well-functioning seeds very fast. And these gene bank units in those two new countries are already well established.

Melissa Petruzzello: That’s wonderful. That’s an optimistic story out of something that is so terrible. I was reading that the Cherokee Nation, a Native American tribe, just deposited culturally emblematic varieties of corn, beans, and squash. I was reflecting on that, and it just says so much about the importance of food and food crops, that those varieties have survived the centuries of mistreatment and uprooting that the Cherokee and other native peoples have faced. So much was lost in the course of all the terrible tragedy in the last few centuries of their history, but the seeds were protected, and it’s so beautiful that a place like the Global Seed Vault can ensure that those precious lines will be safeguarded for future generations. On average, would you say that the gene banks that contribute to the Global Seed Vault are larger facilities or small like the Cherokee Nation? A mix of both?

Åsmund Asdal: The largest depositor at the moment is the CIMMYT; it’s the wheat and maize international center [International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center] in Mexico. They have deposited, I think, 180,000 seed samples or something like that. And the smallest gene banks have sent two samples each. So it’s actually impossible to say which of these seeds, which of these genotypes, have the genes that we need for a certain trait in the future. It could be one of these nine samples from the Cherokee Nation gene bank that really have the genes we would need for a certain disease or for fighting some kind of drought conditions in the future. Or it could be one of these 180,000 samples from the wheat and maize center in Mexico. We do not know that. Our aim is actually to have copies of all unique seed samples in gene banks all over the world copied and secured in the Seed Vault, because we will not know which of these genes, which of these seeds, we will need in the future.

Melissa Petruzzello: Yes, that’s very true. It’s such an ambitious goal and such an important one, since, with industrial agriculture, a lot of more “heirloom varieties” and local varieties have been utilized less. So to preserve those genetic lines for the future is very forward looking and very smart of the Norwegian government. Now I would like to talk about your job. The existence of the Global Seed Vault is a beautiful humanitarian effort, but it is also a reminder of the fragility of our crop biodiversity. As the Seed Vault coordinator, do you view your job with optimism, or is it a little depressing? Does your work make you feel like a scholar or a lifeguard? How would you describe your work there?

Åsmund Asdal: I should perhaps in the first place say that the most important work is the work being done by gene banks every day, by the researchers there, plant breeders, they work hard to produce and develop new plant varieties. The farmers that contribute to genetic diversity now and during the centuries. From my part, it is nice to be a part of this important work. I’m very happy that gene banks all over the world, politicians, researchers, they appreciate a lot what we are doing, but this is really a part of a global effort that comprises many, many institutions, gene banks, researchers, farmers. So, from my point of view, it’s just a small part of the whole activity, and I appreciate very much to be able to be a part of this.

Melissa Petruzzello: That’s such a nice take on it, that it is global cooperation to make this a successful thing. Ideally, there would never be any more withdrawals from the Global Seed Vault; hopefully, conflict or natural disasters limit the need for that. But what do you see as any steps that humanity could take to limit the need for withdrawals? Is there anything a regular person could do to support crop biodiversity?

Åsmund Asdal: I think it’s important that all governments support the national work for taking care of their genetic resources and their genetic diversity. So, what we as voters and consumers could do is to encourage our governments and politicians to support this important work, both done by gene banks but also done by researchers and plant breeders. Secondly, I could say that we as consumers could buy products that encourage diversity, because it’s not sufficient just to have these genetic resources in gene banks. It’s also important to have them in active use. We should have a broad diversity of genotypes and varieties in agriculture, in horticulture, and also in the markets. So, what we as consumers could do is to really buy those products and encourage supermarkets and so on to buy products from a diversity of farmers and a diversity of crops and varieties. So quality, diversity before low price will be one contribution that we could add to this, all of us.

Melissa Petruzzello: I see. Well, that’s good! Yeah, I think that there is somewhat of a movement here in the U.S. to support local farmers markets and to buy heirloom varieties of produce. Some of them just do have superior flavor and appearance. So it’s nice to know that those efforts might be playing a part in helping to keep those seeds in existence. Well, thank you so much for sharing your unique perspective on this. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is truly a treasure, and we appreciate so much the work you’re doing and that you would take the time out of your busy schedule to talk with us today. Thank you again for being here!

Åsmund Asdal: Thank you very much for inviting me.

Melissa Petruzzello: Well, for Encyclopædia Britannica, I’m Melissa Petruzzello, and I was joined today by Åsmund Asdal of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. You’re listening to Botanize! episode six, “Seeds on Ice,” which was produced by Kurt Heintz. Until next time, stay curious!

This program is copyrighted by Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. All rights reserved.

Learn more

Information about the Svalbard Global Seed Vault Reporting on the first withdrawals from the Global Seed Vault Reporting on the seed deposits by the Cherokee Nation Melissa Petruzzello