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Eastern Orthodoxy: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Orthodox Catholic Church • Orthodox Church

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Key People

Michael VIII Palaeologus
Byzantine emperor
Orthodox abbot
Demetrius Cydones
Byzantine scholar and statesman
Isidore Of Kiev
Greek Orthodox patriarch
Saint Theophilus of Alexandria
Egyptian theologian
Nicholas I
Byzantine patriarch of Constantinople
John XI Becchus
patriarch of Constantinople
Byzantine theologian
Theophylact of Ochrid
Greek archbishop
John VIII Palaeologus
Byzantine emperor
Philotheus Kokkinos
patriarch of Constantinople
patriarch of Alexandria
Anthony III Studite
patriarch of Constantinople
Athanasius I
patriarch of Constantinople
Athenagoras I
Greek patriarch
George Acropolites
Byzantine statesman and scholar
Nicholas III
patriarch of Constantinople
Arsenius Autorianus
patriarch of Constantinople
Anthimus I
Byzantine patriarch
