Wakatsuki Reijirō
prime minister of Japan
Learn about this topic in these articles:
history of Japan
- In Japan: Aggression in Manchuria
Prime Minister Wakatsuki Reijirō gave way in December 1931 to Inukai Tsuyoshi. Inukai’s plans to stop the army by imperial intervention were frustrated. On May 15, 1932, naval officers took the lead in a terrorist attack in Tokyo that cost Inukai his life but failed to secure…
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role in Mukden Incident
- In Mukden Incident
…of the Japanese army nor Prime Minister Wakatsuki Reijirō proved able to restrain the Kwangtung Army in the field, and within three months Japanese troops had spread throughout Manchuria. Wakatsuki’s cabinet fell in December, and its successor reacted to a growing tide of public opinion by sanctioning the invasion.
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