St. Patrick

bishop and patron saint of Ireland
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Quick Facts
5th century, Britain and Ireland
c.401 - c.500
Notable Works:
“Letter to Coroticus”
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St. Patrick (flourished 5th century, Britain and Ireland; feast day March 17) is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. He is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland and was probably responsible in part for the Christianization of the Picts and Anglo-Saxons. He is known only from two short works, the Confessio, his spiritual autobiography, and his Letter to Coroticus, a denunciation of British mistreatment of Irish Christians.


Patrick was born in Britain of a Romanized family. When he was 16 years old, Irish raiders tore him from the villa of his father, Calpurnius, a deacon and minor local official, and carried Patrick into slavery in Ireland. He spent six bleak years there as a herdsman, during which time he turned with fervor to his faith. Upon dreaming that the ship in which he was to escape was ready, he fled his enslaver and found passage to Britain. There he came near to starvation and suffered a second brief captivity before he was reunited with his family. Thereafter he may have paid a short visit to the Continent.

The best-known passage in the Confessio tells of a dream, after his return to Britain, in which one Victoricus delivered him a letter headed “The Voice of the Irish.” As Patrick read it, he seemed to hear a certain company of Irish beseeching him to walk once more among them. “Deeply moved,” he says, “I could read no more.” Nevertheless, because of the shortcomings of his education, he was reluctant for a long time to respond to the call. Even on the eve of his reembarkation for Ireland, he was beset by doubts of his fitness for the task. Once in the field, however, his hesitations vanished. Utterly confident in the Lord, he journeyed far and wide, baptizing and confirming with untiring zeal. In diplomatic fashion he brought gifts to a chieftain here and a lawgiver there but accepted none from any. On at least one occasion, he was cast into chains. On another, he addressed with lyrical pathos a last farewell to his converts who had been slain or kidnapped by the soldiers of Coroticus.

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Careful to deal fairly with the Celtic tribes, he nevertheless lived in constant danger of martyrdom. The evocation of such incidents of what he called his “laborious episcopate” was his reply to a charge—to his great grief, endorsed by his ecclesiastical superiors in Britain—that he had originally sought office for the sake of office. In fact, he was a humble-minded man, pouring forth a continuous paean of thanks to his Maker for having chosen him as the instrument whereby multitudes who had worshipped “idols and unclean things” had become “the people of God.”

The phenomenal success of Patrick’s mission is not, however, the full measure of his personality. Since his writings have come to be better understood, it is increasingly recognized that, despite their occasional incoherence, they mirror a truth and a simplicity of the rarest quality. Not since St. Augustine of Hippo had any religious diarist bared his inmost soul as Patrick did in his writings. As D.A. Binchy, the most austerely critical of Patrician (i.e., of Patrick) scholars, put it, “The moral and spiritual greatness of the man shines through every stumbling sentence of his ‘rustic’ Latin.”

It is not possible to say with any assurance when Patrick was born. There are, however, a number of indicators that his missionary career occurred within the second half of the 5th century. In the Coroticus letter, his mention of the Franks as still “heathen” indicates that the letter must have been written between 451, the date generally accepted as that of the Franks’ irruption into Gaul as far as the Somme River, and 496, when they were baptized en masse. Patrick, who speaks of himself as having evangelized heathen Ireland, is not to be confused with Palladius, sent by Pope Celestine I in 431 as “first bishop to the Irish believers in Christ.”

Toward the end of Patrick’s life, he retired to Saul (a village in the former county Down in Northern Ireland), where he may have written his Confessio. It is said that an angel conveyed to him that he was to die at Saul, the site of his first church, despite his wishes to die within the ecclesiastical metropolis of Ireland. His last rites were administered by St. Tussach (also spelled Tassach or Tassac).

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Before the end of the 7th century, Patrick had become a legendary figure, and the legends have continued to grow. One of these would have it that he drove the snakes of Ireland into the sea to their destruction. A 12th-century hagiography claims that Patrick raised 33 people from the dead, some of whom are said to have been deceased for many years. He also reportedly prayed for the provision of food for hungry sailors traveling by land through a desolate area, and a herd of swine miraculously appeared.

Another legend, probably the most popular, is that of the shamrock, which has him explain the concept of the Holy Trinity, three persons in one God, to an unbeliever by showing the example of the three-leaved plant with one stalk. Traditionally, the Irish have worn shamrocks, the national flower of Ireland, in their lapels on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17.

Tarlach O'Raifeartaigh


Patrick is honored in Ireland through pilgrimages to sites believed to hold an association with him. One of these is the annual pilgrimage to the top of Croagh Patrick, a mountain in County Mayo in western Ireland. The pilgrimage occurs each year on the last Sunday of July, known as Reek Sunday after the mountain’s nickname, “the Reek.” Reputedly, Patrick spent 40 days and nights fasting on the mountain, after which he banished all snakes, demons, and practitioners of magic into a lake at the base of the mountain, known as Log na nDeamhan (Demon’s Hollow). Thousands of pilgrims scale the 765-meter- (2,510-foot-) tall mountain on Reek Sunday, rain or shine, many of them beginning before dawn and some attempting the journey in their bare feet. Three Bronze Age cairns along the route, known as stations, serve as stopping points where pilgrims can pray, and masses are celebrated throughout the day in a chapel located at the peak.

Another pilgrimage site is St. Patrick’s Purgatory, located on Station Island in Lough Derg in County Donegal. Patrick is said to have been shown the torments of hell by looking into a cave on the island, after which he was inspired to better convince the doubters among his converts of the proof of a Christian afterlife. A monastic community settled on an adjacent island, and an Augustinian priory was founded on Station Island in the 12th or 13th century. In the 16th century the tradition of undergoing a three-day pilgrimage on the island began. Considered to be the most grueling of Christian pilgrimages, the experience demands three days of sleepless fasting and constant prayer, all the while going barefoot on the island’s stony landscape. The pilgrimage is largely restricted to the summer months.

René Ostberg