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Why should PP instant glue be used with a treatment agent?

04 May 2023

Instant glue has a strong tolerance for bonding materials. The common instant glue for sticking metal, PVC, and rubber is a single component, but the instant glue for sticking PP is A+B process. Let Kang Libang explain why Should PP instant glue be used with a treatment agent?


The p material is relatively difficult to stick, and the one-component PP instant adhesive can not reach the ideal state, which affects the quality of the adhesive and the later processing. The matching agent can improve the surface activity of the material and enhance the adhesion. After the glue is completely cured, the material Dissolve into one body to achieve a material-level bonding effect, and it is also convenient for the painting process on the surface of the material.

If you feel that PP instant glue requires two processes in production, which reduces efficiency, Kanglibang can improve the one-component PP glue for you. The bonding strength is no less than instant glue, and it also has waterproof, anti-aging and corrosion-resistant properties. , and the size of the area are tried.

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H Building ,Xinwei The 3rd Industrial Park,Dalang Street,Longhua New District , Shenzhen City ,Guangdong Province ,China


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