Refund and Returns Policy

We, believe in full customer satisfaction & hence we have a liberal cancellation policy.

How do you cancel an order on

If unfortunately, you must cancel an order, please do so before the shipment of the order. Just mail to info@ to place your cancellation request.

For outright cancellations by you:

If you cancel your order before your product has shipped, we will process a refund of the paid amount deducting 2.5% payment gateway charges.

For cancellation after the order is shipped:

We can’t cancel any order after shipping.

If you think, you have received the wrong product, please email us at info@ mentioning your Order ID. We will personally ensure that a replacement is issued to you and we will take return the wrong item. Please make sure that the original product tag and packing are intact when you send us the product back.

The Return request has to be initiated within 3 (THREE) days from the day of receipt.

Returns are not accepted under the following conditions:

  • We do not accept the return of any kind of Magazines or Little Magazines.
    Return without a valid reason is also not accepted.
  • However, in the case of any manufacturing defect/printing defect exchange can be initiated up to 3 (THREE) days from the date of receipt of shipment.

Refund Policy:

  • Refunds will be made within 5-7 business days from the date of acceptance of cancellation/receipt of returned shipment.
  • If any shipment is returned due to incomplete/wrong address/phone no and because of which though delivery attempted but was not completed then packaging charge + shipping charge + RTO (Return to Origin) charge  for that zone will be deducted from the refund amount as a case of customer negligence.
  • Unedited unboxing/unpacking video is mandatory during return request.