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Who says that Her is an *inspiration* for Open AI? I am wondering, is all.

It is a reference point. A story many people are familiar. A shortcut for describing the type of voice interaction with an AI that is being approached.

Or, the other way around: watching the demo reminds people who are familiar with the movie Her of that film.

It is an interesting topic to explore how relationships with AI will develop, and what the implications are. Humans care about specific animals, their pets. They usually don’t extend the same care to the entire species. Humans have a tendency to be personal, and they will also have that when interacting with AI.

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I think in this case it's a little different — they pretty explicitly encouraged the comparison, with Altman tweeting the reference, and the design seeming to reference the film, too; and yeah, nothing is ironclad here, just some Musings on how I think these tech co's can deploy unappealing dystopias in an exciting and even marketable way

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No doubt, Brian.

The relationships with AI are coming, and it will be wild. People are going to have to have pretty awkward conversations with their significant others regarding the types of interactions with an AI should be considered unfaithful, etc.

There is basically no way around that.

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What Brian said below. It comes down to the old adage: there's no such thing as bad publicity. You do make an excellent point though about how humans form direct, singular relationships that don't extend to a larger species or groups. It's precisely this kind of single-threaded limitation that makes our future with bigger and bigger tech so trecherous.

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