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Dr. Shannon Bragg-Sitton
Director, Integrated Energy & Storage Systems at Idaho National Laboratory
Dr. Shannon Bragg-Sitton is the Director for the Integrated Energy & Storage Systems Division at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). She is internationally recognized for work on innovative applications of nuclear energy and other clean energy options to support the electricity grid, industry, and transportation. This research enables us to maximize energy utilization, increase energy production facilities’ profitability, and improve grid reliability and resilience.

Dr. Bragg-Sitton has held multiple leadership roles in DOE Office of Nuclear Energy programs since joining INL in 2010, including program leadership for space nuclear power and propulsion systems, advanced nuclear fuels, used fuel disposition, and microreactor development. She spearheaded establishment of the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy Integrated Energy Systems (IES) program in 2014 and served as the National Technical Director from 2014-2023. Dr. Bragg-Sitton continues to lead international collaborations for IES and chairs the Generation IV International Forum Task Force on Non-electric Applications of Nuclear Heat.

Dr. Bragg-Sitton holds an MS and PhD in Nuclear Engineering from University of Michigan, an MS in Medical Physics from the University of Texas at Houston, and a BS in Nuclear Engineering from Texas A&M University. She is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society and a Founding Member of both the International Youth Nuclear Congress and the North American Young Generation in Nuclear.