How You Could Use NEPTUNE in the Modelling Process
By: Agusti Canals, Yannick Cassaing, Antoine Jammes, Laurent Pomiès, Etienne Roblet
The main objective of the European NEPTUNE project is to develop both a method and tools supporting the use of the UML notation. NEPTUNE will apply to a variety of application fields, including software engineering, business process and knowledge management.
Cite as:
Agusti Canals, Yannick Cassaing, Antoine Jammes, Laurent Pomiès, Etienne Roblet, “How You Could Use NEPTUNE in the Modelling Process”, Journal of Object Technology, Volume 2, no. 1 (January 2003), pp. 69-83, doi:10.5381/jot.2003.2.1.a1.
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