Exploiting Multimedia in Creating and Analysing Multimedia Web Archives
:1. Introduction
2. Current Trends in Multimedia Analysis
3. The ARCOMEM Approach
3.1. Intelligently Harvesting and Sampling the Web
- Standard crawling. A standard web crawl starts with a seed list of URLs, and crawls outwards from the seed pages by following the outlinks. Constraints might be added to limit the number of hops the crawler is allowed to make from a seed page or to limit the crawler to specific Internet domains or IP addresses.
- API-directed crawling. In an API-directed crawl, the user provides keywords that describe the domain of the dataset they want to create. These keywords are then fed to the search APIs of common social media sources (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.), and the returned posts are examined for outlinks that are then used as seeds for a web crawl.
- Intelligent crawling. In an intelligent crawl, the user provides a detailed intelligent crawl specification (ICS) consisting of keywords, topics, events and entities that describe the target domain. A standard crawl and/or API-directed crawl is then started, and as new resources are harvested, they are scored against the ICS (using pattern matching and machine learning techniques). Scores for the outlinks of each resource are then created (combining the resource score with specific scores computed based on the link), and these scores are fed back to the large scale crawler, which prioritises the next URL to crawl based on the score. URLs with low scores will not be crawled.
3.2. Advanced, Scalable Multimodal Multimedia Content Analysis
3.3. Interoperability, Reusability and Provenance
4. Use Cases for Multimedia Analysis in Archiving Community Memories
- Guiding the crawl by identifying relevant documents.
- Reducing the size of the archive by removing irrelevant or duplicated content.
- Generating metadata for facilitating searching strategies within the archive.
- Summarising various aspects of the content of the archive (i.e., finding the events, people and places represented by the content of the archive).
4.1. Aggregating Social Commentary
4.2. Measuring the Temporal Pulse of Social Multimedia
4.3. Recognising Social Events in Social Media Streams
4.4. Detecting Media about Individuals, Organisations and Places
4.4.1. Recognising People
4.4.2. Recognising Organisations
4.4.3. Recognising Places
4.5. Measuring Opinion and Sentiment
5. Conclusions and Outlook
- Image-entity-guided crawling. At the moment, within the ARCOMEM tools, the visual entity tools are applied to the archive after it has been created. However, visual entities could potentially be used to directly influence the crawl process; for example, if a crawl was specified to look at topics surrounding the Olympic games, then the crawl specification could contain images of the Olympic rings logo, and the visual analytics tools could be used to detect the presence of this logo in images. Pages with embedded images with the logo and the outlinks of these pages could then be given higher priority by the crawler.
- Image-entity co-reference resolution in multilingual corpora. Image content is inevitably reused across different documents; often, the image will have been scaled or cropped as it is used in different documents. Our tools for detecting this kind of reuse are now quite robust and are capable of providing coreference resolution of the images and the entities they depict. This has many practical uses; for example, it could be used to link documents in different languages as being related, even though we may not have natural language processing tools for the languages in question. In turn, this coreference information could be used to help guide the crawler to new relevant content.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Hare, J.S.; Dupplaw, D.P.; Lewis, P.H.; Hall, W.; Martinez, K. Exploiting Multimedia in Creating and Analysing Multimedia Web Archives. Future Internet 2014, 6, 242-260. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi6020242
Hare JS, Dupplaw DP, Lewis PH, Hall W, Martinez K. Exploiting Multimedia in Creating and Analysing Multimedia Web Archives. Future Internet. 2014; 6(2):242-260. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi6020242
Chicago/Turabian StyleHare, Jonathon S., David P. Dupplaw, Paul H. Lewis, Wendy Hall, and Kirk Martinez. 2014. "Exploiting Multimedia in Creating and Analysing Multimedia Web Archives" Future Internet 6, no. 2: 242-260. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi6020242
APA StyleHare, J. S., Dupplaw, D. P., Lewis, P. H., Hall, W., & Martinez, K. (2014). Exploiting Multimedia in Creating and Analysing Multimedia Web Archives. Future Internet, 6(2), 242-260. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi6020242