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Steering Witness and Steering Criterion of Gaussian States

Department of Mathematics, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
School of Mathematical Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Submission received: 7 December 2021 / Revised: 20 December 2021 / Accepted: 20 December 2021 / Published: 29 December 2021
(This article belongs to the Topic Quantum Information and Quantum Computing)


Quantum steering is an important quantum resource, which is intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. In this paper, we study steering witnesses for Gaussian states in continuous-variable systems. We give a definition of steering witnesses by covariance matrices of Gaussian states, and then obtain a steering criterion by steering witnesses to detect steerability of any ( m + n ) -mode Gaussian states. In addition, the conditions for two steering witnesses to be comparable and the optimality of steering witnesses are also discussed.

1. Introduction

Entanglement plays an important role in quantum information theory, which has been widely used in quantum information processing [1,2,3]. The detection of entanglement has attracted much attention in recent years (see [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]). Among these criteria, the entanglement witness (EW) criterion provides a sufficient and necessary condition for the separability of a bipartite quantum state ([5]). A self-adjoint operator W acting on a separable complex Hilbert space H K is an EW if W is not positive and Tr ( W σ ) 0 holds for all separable states σ . It was shown that a bipartite state is entangled if and only if there exists at least one EW detecting it. Obviously, there does not exist an EW that can detect all entangled states. So, the concept of the optimal EW is proposed in [8] and some methods are given to check the optimality of EWs, for example, see [8,11,12,15].
In 1935, Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) first discovered the anomalous phenomenon of quantum states in multipartite quantum systems, which is contrary to the classical mechanics ([16]). In order to capture the essence of the EPR paradox, the notion of EPR steering was first introduced by Schr o ¨ dinger in [17]. EPR steering is a quantum correlation between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. Different from entanglement and nonlocality, this correlation is inherently asymmetry with respect to the observers.
In recent years, EPR steering has attracted many authors’ attention. It has been shown that EPR steering plays a fundamental role in various quantum protocols, secure communication, and other fields ([18,19,20]). Various EPR steering criteria have been derived. For example, Cavalcanti and James in [21] obtained the experimental criterion of EPR steering from entropy uncertainty relations. Ji et al. in [22] obtained steerability criteria by using covariance matrices of local observables, which are applicable for both finite- and infinite-dimensional quantum systems. Wittmann et al. in [23] gave EPR steering inequalities with three Pauli measurements; and then, as a generalization of the Pauli matrices, Marciniak et al. in [24] found EPR steering inequalities with mutually unbiased bases. For continuous-variable systems, the authors in [25] performed a systematic investigation of EPR steering for bipartite Gaussian states by pseudospin measurements. Kogias and Adesso [26] gave a measure of EPR steering for two-mode continuous variable states.
Inspired by EW, in this paper, we will try to consider quantum EPR steering witness for Gaussian states in continuous-variable systems. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we recall the concepts of Gaussian states and quantum EPR steering, and some known EPR steering criteria for Gaussian states. Section 3 is devoted to giving a definition of steering witness for Gaussian states in terms of covariance matrices and then discussing properties of steering witness. Based on steering witnesses, a steering criterion for bipartite ( m + n ) -mode Gaussian states are obtained. The conditions for two steering witnesses to be comparable are given and the optimality of steering witnesses are also obtained. Section 4 is a brief conclusion.

2. Definition and Criterion of Gaussian Quantum EPR Steering

In this section, we briefly introduce the notion of Gaussian quantum steering.
Gaussian states. Recall that a quantum system is associated with a separable complex Hilbert space H. A quantum state on H is a positive operator with trace 1. For arbitrary state ρ in an n-mode continuous-variable system with state space H, its characteristic function χ ρ is defined as
χ ρ ( z ) = tr ( ρ W ( z ) ) ,
where z = ( x 1 , y 1 , , x n , y n ) T R 2 n , W ( z ) = exp ( i R T z ) is the Weyl displacement operator, R = ( R 1 , R 2 , , R 2 n ) = ( Q ^ 1 , P ^ 1 , , Q ^ n , P ^ n ) . As usual, Q k ^ = ( a ^ k + a ^ k ) / 2 and P k ^ = i ( a ^ k a ^ k ) / 2 ( k = 1 , 2 , , n ) stand for, respectively, the position and momentum operators, where a ^ k and a ^ k are the creation and annihilation operators in the kth mode, satisfying the Canonical Commutation Relation (CCR)
[ a ^ k , a ^ l ] = δ k l I and [ a ^ k , a ^ l ] = [ a ^ k , a ^ l ] = 0 , k , l = 1 , 2 , , n .
Particularly, ρ is called a Gaussian state if χ ρ ( z ) is of the form
χ ρ ( z ) = exp [ 1 4 z T Γ z + i d T z ] ,
d = ( R ^ 1 , R ^ 2 , , R ^ 2 n ) T = ( tr ( ρ R 1 ) , tr ( ρ R 2 ) , , tr ( ρ R 2 n ) ) T R 2 n
is called the mean or the displacement vector of ρ and Γ = ( γ k l ) M 2 n ( R ) is the covariance matrix (CM) of ρ defined by γ k l = tr [ ρ ( Δ R ^ k Δ R ^ l + Δ R ^ l Δ R ^ k ) ] with Δ R ^ k = R ^ k R ^ k ([27]). Here M d ( R ) stands for the algebra of all d × d matrices over the real field R . So, any Gaussian state ρ with CM Γ and displacement vector d will be represented as ρ ( Γ , d ) . Note that Γ is real symmetric and satisfies the condition Γ + i J 0 , where J = k = 1 n J k with J k = 0 1 1 0 for each k. Assume that ρ A B is any ( m + n ) -mode Gaussian state. Then its CM Γ can be written as
Γ = A C C T B , A M 2 m ( R ) , B M 2 n ( R ) , C M 2 m × 2 n ( R ) .
Qauntum steering. Now let us recall the definition of steerability. A measurement assemblage MA = { M a | x } a , x is a collection of positive operators M a | x 0 satisfying a M a | x = I for each x. Such a collection represents one positive-operator-valued measurement (POVM), describing a general quantum measurement, for each x. In a (bipartite) steering scenario, one party performs measurements on a shared state ρ A B , which steers the quantum state of the other particle. If Alice performs a set of measurements { M a | x A } a , x , then the collection of sub-normalized “steered states” of Bob are an assemblage { ρ a | x B } a , x with
ρ a | x B = Tr A ( ( M a | x A I B ) ρ A B ) .
If every assemblage on Bob { σ a | x } a , x can be explained by a local hidden state (LHS) model, of the form
σ a | x = λ p λ p ( a | x , λ ) σ λ ,
where λ is a hidden variable, distributed according to p λ , σ λ are “hidden states” of Bob, and p ( a | x , λ ) are local “response functions” of Alice, then we say that it has LHS form, or does not demonstrate steering ([28]). If there exist measurements such that σ a | x does not admit such an LHS decomposition, we say that the state ρ A B is steerable from A to B. If for all measurements we can never demonstrate steering with a given state, we say it is unsteerable from A to B. Symmetrically, we can define the steerability of ρ A B from B to A. Steering is a quantum correlation between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. However, unlike Bell nonlocality and nonseparability, which are symmetric between Alice and Bob, steering is inherently asymmetric.
Gaussian Positive Operator-Valued Measurement. An m-mode Gaussian Positive Operator-Valued Measurement (GPOVM) Π = { Π ( α ) } is defined as
Π ( α ) = 1 π m D ( α ) ϖ D ( α ) ,
where D ( α ) = exp [ j = 1 m ( α j a ^ j α j a ^ j ) ] is the m-mode Weyl displacement operator, α C m , ϖ is a zero mean m-mode Gaussian state with CM Σ , which is called the seed state of the GPOVM Π . So, we can denote a GPOVM with the seed CM Σ by Π Σ = { Π Σ ( α ) } ([29,30]).
A criterion for unsteerability of Gaussian states. For arbitrary bipartite Gaussian states, the authors in [28] derived a linear matrix inequality that decides the question of steerability via GPOVMs.
Theorem 1.
[28] Assume that ρ A B S ( H A H B ) is any ( m + n ) -mode Gaussian state with CM Γ in Equation (1). Then ρ A B is unsteerable by the system A’s all GPOVMs if and only if
Γ + 0 A i J B 0 ,
where J B = n 0 1 1 0 .
Remark 1.
By Theorem 1, under the restriction of GPOVMs, Equation (2) is a necessary and sufficient condition for detecting the steering of Gaussian states. However, Equation (2) may not be sufficient for unsteerability of non-Gaussian bipartite states in continuous-variable systems. Recent works also revealed that there exist Gaussian states which are only steerable by suitable non-GPOVMs. In [25], the authors considered pseudospin measurements instead of GPOVMs for any two-mode Gaussian states and found that these observables are always less sensitive than conventional Gaussian observables for steering detection. Note that GPOVMs are accessible in laboratory by means of homodyne detections and Gaussian transformations. So in this paper, we restrict to GPOVMs when discussing the steering of Gaussian states.

3. Steering Witness for Gaussian States and Their Comparability

In this section, we will first give a definition of steering witness for Gaussian states, and then discuss some properties of steering witness.
Denote by Sym ( 2 N , R ) the set of all real symmetric 2 N × 2 N matrices. Note that a CM Γ can describe a physical quantum state if and only if it satisfies the bona fide uncertainty principle relation Γ + i J 0 . Let CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) stand for the set of all CMs satisfying uncertainty principle relations in ( m + n ) -mode continuous-variable systems, that is,
CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) = { Γ Sym ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) : Γ ± i J 0 with J = m + n 0 1 1 0 } .
For the convenience, write N = m + n . Let
US A | B ( 2 N , R ) = { Γ CM ( 2 N , R ) : Γ + 0 A i J B 0 , 0 A M 2 m ( R ) , J B = n 0 1 1 0 } .
We call the elements in US A | B ( 2 N , R ) unsteerable CMs from A to B as Theorem 1. It is easily checked that US A | B ( 2 N , R ) is a closed and convex set. The following result gives another property of US A | B ( 2 N , R ) .
Proposition 1.
Assume that Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) . Then for any positive matrix P Sym ( 2 N , R ) and any scalar α > 1 , we have Γ + P US A | B ( 2 N , R ) and α Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) .
For any positive matrix P Sym ( 2 N , R ) , by Equation (3), it is obvious that Γ + P US A | B ( 2 N , R ) . For any α > 1 , as
α Γ + i J = ( α 1 ) Γ + Γ + i J > Γ + i J 0
α Γ + 0 A i J B = ( α 1 ) Γ + Γ + 0 A i J B > Γ + 0 A i J B 0 ,
we get α Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) . □
Next, write
W A | B ( 2 N , R ) = { W Sym ( 2 N , R ) : Tr ( W Γ ) 1 holds for all Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) } .
We call any element W in W A | B ( 2 N , R ) the steering witness from A to B in ( m + n ) -mode bipartite continuous-variable systems with subsystems A and B, where N = m + n .
The following theorem gives a criterion of detecting steerability of any ( m + n ) -mode Gaussian states by steering witnesses.
Theorem 2. 
(Steering witness criterion) Assume that ρ A B S ( H A H B ) is any ( m + n ) -mode Gaussian state with CM Γ defined by Equation (1). Then ρ A B is unsteerable from A to B if and only if Tr ( W Γ ) 1 holds for all W W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) .
For the “only if” part, if Tr ( W Γ ) 1 holds for all W W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) , by Equation (5), Γ US A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) . It follows from Theorem 1 that ρ A B is unsteerable from A to B.
For the “if” part, on the contrary, suppose that ρ A B is steerable from A to B. Then Γ is steerable from A to B as Theorem 1, that is, Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) with N = m + n . Since the set US A | B ( 2 N , R ) is convex and closed, by the Hahn-Banach theorem, there exists some W 1 Sym ( 2 N , R ) such that
Tr ( W 1 Γ ) m = inf Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) > Tr ( W 1 Γ ) for all Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) .
We claim m > 0 . Otherwise, assume m 0 . If W 1 is not positive, there is a negative eigenvalue λ 0 < 0 of W 1 with the corresponding eigenvector | ϕ . Take any η > 0 , any Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) and let Γ 0 = Γ + η | ϕ ϕ | . By Proposition 1, Γ 0 US A | B ( 2 N , R ) . Note that
Tr ( W 1 Γ 0 ) = Tr ( W 1 Γ ) + η Tr ( W 1 | ϕ ϕ | ) = Tr ( W 1 Γ ) + λ 0 η | ϕ 2 whenever η + .
This means that, for sufficient large η > 0 , we have Tr ( W 1 Γ 0 ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) , which yields a contradiction to Equation (6). Thus, W 1 is positive, and so Tr ( W 1 Γ ) 0 . Further, we can conclude Tr ( W 1 Γ ) > 0 . In fact, by Williamson normal form Theorem, for any CM Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) , there exists a symplectic matrix S Sym ( 2 N , R ) such that S Γ S T = Γ = i = 1 N v i 0 0 v i with v i 1 . So
Tr ( W 1 Γ ) = Tr ( W 1 S 1 Γ ( S T ) 1 ) = Tr [ ( S T ) 1 W 1 S 1 Γ ] = Tr ( ( S T ) 1 W 1 S 1 ( Γ I ) ) + Tr ( ( S T ) 1 W 1 S 1 ) > 0 .
However, this leads to a contradiction with m 0 .
Hence m > 0 . By letting W 0 = W 1 m in Equation (6) yields
Tr ( W 0 Γ ) 1 > Tr ( W 0 Γ ) for all Γ US A | B ( 2 N , R ) ,
which implies W 0 W A | B ( 2 N , R ) with Tr ( W 0 Γ ) < 1 , a contradiction. Therefore, Γ is unsteerable from A to B, and thus ρ A B is unsteerable from A to B. □
Remark 2.
By Theorem 2, we see that, for any ( m + n ) -mode Gaussian state ρ A B S ( H A H B ) with CM Γ, ρ A B is steerable from A to B if and only if there exists some W 0 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) such that Tr ( W 0 Γ ) < 1 .
In the rest part, we will discuss the properties of steering witnesses. Given a steering witness W W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) , denote the set of CMs detected by W by
D W = { Γ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) : Tr ( W Γ ) < 1 } .
It is obvious that any two steering witnesses W 1 and W 2 have one of the following three relations:
(1) D W 1 D W 2 or D W 2 D W 1 ;
(2) D W 1 D W 2 = ;
(3) D W 1 D W 2 and D W i D W j , i j { 1 , 2 } .
Definition 1.
For any two steering witnesses W 1 and W 2 , we say that W 2 is finer than W 1 , denote by W 1 W 2 , if D W 1 D W 2 ; and W 1 = W 2 if D W 1 = D W 2 . Furthermore, we say that W 1 and W 2 are comparable if W 1 W 2 or W 2 W 1 ; otherwise, W 1 and W 2 are incomparable.
Particularly, for a steering witness W, we say that W is optimal if there is no other steering witness finer than W.
The following result gives the relation of two comparable steering witnesses.
Theorem 3.
Suppose that W 1 , W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) are two steering witnesses with W 1 W 2 , and λ = inf Γ 1 D W 1 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) . Then λ 1 and for any Γ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) , we have
Tr ( W 2 Γ ) 1 if Tr ( W 1 Γ ) = 1 ;
Tr ( W 2 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) if Tr ( W 1 Γ ) < 1 ;
Tr ( W 2 Γ ) λ Tr ( W 1 Γ ) if Tr ( W 1 Γ ) > 1 .
Assume that W 1 , W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) are two steering witnesses with W 1 W 2 and Γ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) .
(i) Assume that Tr ( W 1 Γ ) = 1 , but Tr ( W 2 Γ ) > 1 . Take any Γ 1 D W 1 and any positive number x > 0 . Write
Γ ˜ x = 1 1 + x Γ 1 + x 1 + x Γ .
Then Γ ˜ x CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) and
Tr ( W 1 Γ ˜ x ) = 1 1 + x Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) + x 1 + x Tr ( W 1 Γ ) < 1 1 + x + x 1 + x = 1 .
So Γ ˜ x D W 1 D W 2 for all x > 0 .
On the other hand, note that Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) < 1 as Γ 1 D W 1 D W 2 . Take any x > 0 with x > 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) Tr ( W 2 Γ ) 1 > 0 . Then x Tr ( W 2 Γ ) x > 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) and so
Tr ( W 2 Γ ˜ x ) = 1 1 + x Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) + x 1 + x Tr ( W 2 Γ ) = Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) + x Tr ( W 2 Γ ) 1 + x > 1 .
This implies Γ ˜ x D W 2 for such x, a contradiction.
(ii) Assume that Tr ( W 1 Γ ) < 1 . Letting Γ ˜ = 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ ) Γ , then Γ ˜ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) and
Tr ( W 1 Γ ˜ ) = Tr ( W 1 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) = 1 .
By (i), we have Tr ( W 2 Γ ˜ ) 1 , and so Tr ( W 2 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) .
(iii) If Tr ( W 1 Γ ) > 1 , by taking a = Tr ( W 1 Γ ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) and b = 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) with Γ 1 D W 1 , we have 0 < a , b < 1 and a + b = 1 . Write Γ ˜ = a Γ 1 + b Γ . It is obvious that Γ ˜ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) and
Tr ( W 1 Γ ˜ ) = a Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) + b Tr ( W 1 Γ ) = 1 .
By (i), one gets Tr ( W 2 Γ ˜ ) 1 , that is, a Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) + b Tr ( W 2 Γ ) 1 . So
Tr ( W 2 Γ ) 1 a Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) b = 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) · Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) = Tr ( W 1 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) · Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) + Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) = Tr ( W 1 Γ ) [ 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) ] [ Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) ] 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) [ 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) ] 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) .
Note that the last inequality is due to (ii). Thus, Equation (7) implies
Tr ( W 2 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) ,
and hence
Tr ( W 2 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) inf Γ 1 D W 1 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) = λ .
Finally, we will show λ 1 . In fact, for any Γ 1 D W 1 , we have Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) < 1 , and by (ii), Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) . Thus, 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) , and so λ 1 .
In the following theorem, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for two steering witnesses to be comparable.
Theorem 4.
Suppose that W 1 , W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) are two steering witnesses. Then W 1 W 2 if and only if there exists some 0 < a 1 and some positive matrix X Sym ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) satisfying Tr ( X Γ ) 1 a for all Γ D W 1 such that
W 1 = a W 2 + X .
Assume that W 1 , W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) are two steering witnesses. If there exists some 0 < a 1 and some positive matrix X Sym ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) with Tr ( X Γ ) 1 a for all Γ D W 1 such that W 1 = a W 2 + X , then, for any Γ D W 1 , we have
1 > Tr ( W 1 Γ ) = a Tr ( W 2 Γ ) + Tr ( X Γ ) a Tr ( W 2 Γ ) + 1 a .
It follows that Tr ( W 2 Γ ) < 1 . So Γ D W 2 . By Definition 1, one obtains W 1 W 2 .
Conversely, if W 1 W 2 , by taking λ = inf Γ 1 D W 1 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) and by Theorem 3, we have 1 Tr ( W 2 Γ 1 ) 1 Tr ( W 1 Γ 1 ) λ 1 for all Γ 1 D W 1 , that is,
Tr [ ( λ W 1 W 2 ) Γ 1 ] λ 1 for all Γ 1 D W 1 .
On the other hand, for any Γ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) D W 1 , by Theorem 3 (iii), one has Tr ( W 2 Γ ) λ Tr ( W 1 Γ ) , that is,
Tr [ ( λ W 1 W 2 ) Γ ] 0 for all Γ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) D W 1 .
Combining Equations (8) and (9) gives
Tr [ ( λ W 1 W 2 ) Γ ] 0 for all Γ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) .
Now, let X = W 1 a W 2 with a = 1 λ . Obviously, 0 < a 1 and Tr ( X Γ ) 1 a holds for all Γ D W 1 by Equation (8).
Finally, if X is not positive, then there is a negative eigenvalue μ 0 < 0 of X with the corresponding eigenvector | ζ . Take any η > 0 , any Γ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) and let Γ 0 = Γ + η | ζ ζ | . Obviously, Γ 0 CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) . Note that
Tr ( X Γ 0 ) = Tr ( X Γ ) + η Tr ( X | ζ ζ | ) = Tr ( X Γ ) + μ 0 η | ζ 2 whenever η + .
Also note that
Tr ( X Γ ) 0 for all Γ CM ( 2 ( m + n ) , R )
by Equation (10). These yield a contradiction. So X is positive.
The proof of the theorem is finished. □
For the optimality of steering witnesses, we have
Theorem 5.
Suppose that W W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) is a steering witness. Then W is optimal if and only if for any λ 1 and any positive matrix X Sym ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) satisfying Tr ( X Γ ) λ 1 for all Γ D W , W = λ W X is not a steering witness.
The “if” part is obvious by Theorem 4.
For the “only if” part, assume that there is some λ 0 1 and some positive matrix X 0 Sym ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) satisfying Tr ( X 0 Γ ) λ 0 1 for all Γ D W such that W = λ 0 W X 0 is a steering witness. Then W = 1 λ 0 W + 1 λ 0 X 0 , where 1 λ 0 1 and 1 λ 0 X 0 0 with Tr ( 1 λ 0 X 0 Γ ) 1 1 λ 0 for all Γ D W . By Theorem 4 again, W W . A contradiction. □
Finally, we discuss the question when different steering witnesses can detect some common steering CMs.
Theorem 6.
For any two steering witnesses W 1 , W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) , we have D W 1 D W 2 = if and only if there exists some 0 < λ < 1 such that λ W 1 + ( 1 λ ) W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) .
To prove the theorem, two lemmas are needed.
Lemma 1.
Suppose that W 1 , W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) are steering witnesses with W 1 W 2 . If W ( a , b ) = a W 1 + b W 2 with a , b > 0 and a + b = 1 , then W 1 W ( a , b ) W 2 .
For two steering witnesses W 1 , W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) with W 1 W 2 , we have Tr ( W 1 Γ ) < 1 for all Γ D W 1 . By Theorem 3(ii), Tr ( W 2 Γ ) Tr ( W 1 Γ ) , and so Tr ( ( a W 1 + b W 2 ) Γ ) < a + b = 1 . This means Γ D W ( a , b ) , that is, W 1 W ( a , b ) .
In addition, if Γ D W 2 , then Tr ( W 2 Γ ) 1 and Tr ( W 1 Γ ) 1 as W 1 W 2 . Thus
Tr ( W ( a , b ) Γ ) = a Tr ( W 1 Γ ) + b Tr ( W 2 Γ ) 1 .
This implies Γ D W ( a , b ) . So W ( a , b ) W 2 . □
Lemma 2.
Assume that W , W 1 , W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) are steering witnesses. If D W 1 D W 2 = and D W D W 1 D W 2 , then either D W D W 1 or D W D W 2 .
Assume, on the contrary, that D W D W 1 and D W D W 2 . Take Γ i D W D W i for i = 1 , 2 . Write
[ Γ 1 , Γ 2 ] = { Γ t = t Γ 1 + ( 1 t ) Γ 2 , 0 t 1 } .
Note that D W is a convex set. So [ Γ 1 , Γ 2 ] D W D W 1 D W 2 and thus [ Γ 1 , Γ 2 ] ( D W D W 1 ) ( D W D W 2 ) . Hence there exists some 0 < t 0 < 1 such that { Γ t : 0 t < t 0 } D W 2 and { Γ t : t 0 < t 1 } D W 1 . If Γ t 0 D W 2 , then Tr ( W 2 Γ t 0 ) < 1 , and for sufficiently small ε > 0 , we have
1 Tr ( W 2 Γ t 0 + ε ) = Tr ( W 2 Γ t 0 ) + ε ( Tr ( ( W 2 Γ 1 ) Tr ( W 2 Γ 2 ) ) < 1 .
A contradiction. Similarly, if Γ t 0 D W 1 , by considering Γ t 0 ε for sufficiently small ε > 0 , one can also obtain a contradiction.
Therefore, D W D W 1 or D W D W 2 . The proof is completed. □
Proof of Theorem 6. 
Take any two steering witnesses W 1 , W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) . If there exists some 0 < λ < 1 such that W = λ W 1 + ( 1 λ ) W 2 is not a steering witness, then D W 1 D W 2 D W = , that is, D W 1 D W 2 = .
For the “only if” part, assume that D W 1 D W 2 = and W λ = λ W 1 + ( 1 λ ) W 2 W A | B ( 2 ( m + n ) , R ) for all 0 < λ < 1 . Then D W λ D W 1 D W 2 . Since D W 1 D W 2 = , by Lemma 2, we have either D W λ D W 1 or D W λ D W 2 . When λ varies from 0 to 1 continuously, D W λ varies from D W 2 to D W 1 continuously. Denote λ 0 = sup { λ ( 0 , 1 ) : D W λ D W 2 } . If D W λ 0 D W 2 , then there must be exist some ε with 0 < ε < 1 λ 0 such that W λ 0 + ε is not a steering witness, that is, D W λ 0 + ε = . Otherwise, for all ε with 0 < ε < 1 λ 0 , we have D W λ 0 + ε . Since D W λ 0 D W 2 and D W λ 0 + ε D W 1 , for all γ D W λ 0 , one has Tr ( W λ 0 γ ) < 1 and
1 Tr ( W λ 0 + ε γ ) = Tr ( W λ 0 γ ) + ε ( Tr ( W 1 γ ) Tr ( W 2 γ ) ) < 1
for sufficiently small ε > 0 , a contradiction. Hence D W λ 0 D W 2 .
Similarly, one can show D W λ 0 D W 1 . So there exists some 0 < λ < 1 , such that λ W 1 + ( 1 λ ) W 2 is not a steering witness. The proof is finished. □

4. Conclusions

Quantum EPR steering is an important quantum resource. It is a fundamental and important question of how to detect steerability of quantum states. In this paper, we investigated steering witnesses of Gaussian states in continuous-variable systems. We give a definition of steering witnesses by covariance matrices of quantum states, and then present a steering witness criterion of any ( m + n ) -mode Gaussian state to be unsteerable by the Hahn-Banach theorem. In addition, the conditions for any two steering witnesses to be comparable and the optimality of steering witnesses are also discussed. Our investigations may highlight further researches on steering witnesses.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.M. and X.Q.; methodology, X.Q.; formal analysis, R.M.; writing—original draft preparation, T.Y. and D.W.; writing—review and editing, X.Q.; visualization, R.M.; supervision, X.Q.; project administration, X.Q. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work is partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (12171290, 11901421), Fund Program for the Scientific Activities of Selected Returned Overseas Professionals in Shanxi Province (20200011), Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province (201801D221019, 201901D111254) and the doctoral research Foundation of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology (20182054).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data sharing not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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MDPI and ACS Style

Ma, R.; Yan, T.; Wu, D.; Qi, X. Steering Witness and Steering Criterion of Gaussian States. Entropy 2022, 24, 62.

AMA Style

Ma R, Yan T, Wu D, Qi X. Steering Witness and Steering Criterion of Gaussian States. Entropy. 2022; 24(1):62.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ma, Ruifen, Taotao Yan, Dantong Wu, and Xiaofei Qi. 2022. "Steering Witness and Steering Criterion of Gaussian States" Entropy 24, no. 1: 62.

APA Style

Ma, R., Yan, T., Wu, D., & Qi, X. (2022). Steering Witness and Steering Criterion of Gaussian States. Entropy, 24(1), 62.

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