vs QMA_log(2)
Although it is believed unlikely that NP-hard problems admit efficient
quantum algorithms, it has been shown that a quantum verifier can solve
NP-complete problems given a �short� quantum proof; more precisely, NP
belongs to QMA_log(2) where QMA_log(2) denotes the class of quantum
Merlin-Arthur games in which there are two unentangled provers who send
two logarithmic size quantum witnesses to the verifier. The inclusion NP
belongs to QMA_log(2) has been proved by Blier and Tapp by stating a
quantum Merlin-Arthur protocol for 3-coloring with perfect completeness
and gap 1/24n^6 . Moreover, Aaronson et al. have shown the above
inclusion with a constant gap by considering O(√n) witnesses of
logarithmic size. However, we still do not know if QMA_log(2) with a
constant gap contains NP. In this paper, we show that 3-SAT admits a
QMA_log(2) protocol with the gap 1/n^{3+epsilon} for every constant
epsilon > 0.
Key words:
3-SAT, Merlin-Arthur, Separable states |