2016 Volume E99.D Issue 7 Pages 1910-1919
A novel rendering algorithm with a best-matching patch is proposed to address the noise artifacts associated with Monte Carlo renderings. First, in the sampling stage, the representative patch is selected through a modified patch shift procedure, which gathers homogeneous pixels together to stay clear of the edges. Second, each pixel is filtered over a discrete set of filters, where the range kernel is computed using the selected patches. The difference between the selected patch and the filtered value is used as the pixel error, and the single filter that returns the smallest estimated error is chosen. In the reconstruction stage, pixel colors are combined with features of depth, normal and texture to form a cross bilateral filter, which highly preserves scene details while effectively removing noise. Finally, a heuristic metric is calculated to allocate additional samples in difficult regions. Compared with state-of-the art methods, the proposed algorithm performs better both in visual image quality and numerical error.