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Impact of the research community on the field of software configuration management: summary of an impact project report

Published: 01 September 2002 Publication History


Software Configuration Management (SCM) is an important discipline in professional software development and maintenance. The importance of SCM has increased as programs have become larger and more complex and mission/life-critical. This paper discusses the evolution of SCM technology from the early days of software development to present and the impact university and industrial research has had along the way. It also includes a survey of the industrial state-of-the-practice and research directions.The paper published here is not intended to be a definitive assessment. Rather, our intention is to solicit comments and corrections from the community to help refine the work. If you would like to provide further information, please contact the first author. A longer version of this report can be found at


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cover image ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes  Volume 27, Issue 5
September 2002
56 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2002
Published in SIGSOFT Volume 27, Issue 5

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  1. industrial impact
  2. software configuration management
  3. software engineering
  4. software quality


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