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Data structures for quadtree approximation and compression

Published: 01 September 1985 Publication History


A number of data structures for representing images by quadtrees without pointers are discussed. The image is treated as a collection of leaf nodes. Each leaf node is represented by use of a locational code corresponding to a sequence of directional codes that locate the leaf along a path from the root of the tree. Somewhat related is the concept of a forest which is a representation that consists of a collection of maximal blocks. It is reviewed and refined to enable the representation of a quadtree as a sequence of approximations. In essence, all BLACK and WHITE nodes are said to be of type GB and GW, respectively. GRAY nodes are of type GB if at least two of their sons are of type GB; otherwise, they are of type GW. Sequences of approximations using various combinations of locational codes of GB and GW nodes are proposed and shown to be superior to approximation methods based on truncation of nodes below a certain level in the tree. These approximations have two important properties. First, they are progressive in the sense that as more of the image is transmitted, the receiving device can construct a better approximation (contrast with facsimile methods which transmit the image one line at a time). Second, they are proved to lead to compression in the sense that they never require more than MIN(B, W) nodes where B and W correspond to the number of BLACK and WHITE nodes in the original quadtree. Algorithms are given for constructing the approximation sequences as well as decoding them to rebuild the original quadtree.


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Sally L. Harris

This paper presents a thorough explanation of many pointerless quadtree representations for black and white images. The pointerless approach is chosen because pointers cause an inherently high overhead. A quadtree is constructed by repeatedly dividing an image into four quadrants, then into subquadrants, until blocks of a single value (gray level) are obtained. Terminal nodes are those blocks which require no further subdivision. Terminal nodes can be either black or white. Parental (gray) nodes are called black if at least two sons are black; otherwise they are white. In the pointerless representation, each terminal node is represented by use of a locational code corresponding to a sequence of directions that indicate a path from the root. The smallest terminal nodes are at level k and are of size (2 2* 2* k×2 2* 2* k). The root node is at level 0. An approximation is obtained by representing the tree only to the required level, which corresponds to the clarity of the resulting image. The concept of a forest is introduced as a method of approximation. A forest is a collection of black parental nodes and black terminal nodes having no black parent. This is referred to as the “minimal set of maximal blocks” of a certain node type. Two distinct advantages of this method over facsimile encoding are that this is a progressive image representation (i.e., as more of an image is transmitted, clarity increases), and that this method never requires more than MIN(black,white) nodes to represent the image. Even further compression is obtained by alternating between black and white forests. After a black recording is obtained, the next recording will have fewer white than black maximal blocks. This paper is quite thorough, but somewhat lacking in clarity and simplicity. Definitions should have been emphasized. Both the Abstract and Introduction are not well organized. However, it is very helpful that the author uses a single example throughout much of the paper.

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cover image Communications of the ACM
Communications of the ACM  Volume 28, Issue 9
Sept. 1985
118 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 01 September 1985
Published in CACM Volume 28, Issue 9


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