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Cross-Modal Meta Consensus for Heterogeneous Federated Learning

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


In the evolving landscape of federated learning (FL), the integration of multimodal data presents both unprecedented opportunities and significant challenges. Existing works fall short of meeting the growing demand for systems that can efficiently handle diverse tasks and modalities in rapidly changing environments. We propose a meta learning strategy tailored for Multimodal Federated Learning in a multitask setting, which harmonizes intra-modal and inter-modal feature spaces through the Cross-Modal Meta Consensus. This innovative approach enables seamless integration and transfer of knowledge across different data types, enhancing task personalization within modalities and facilitating effective cross-modality knowledge sharing. Additionally, we introduce Gradient Consistency-based Clustering for multimodal convergence, specifically designed to resolve conflicts at meta-initialization points arising from diverse modality distributions, supported by theoretical guarantees. Our approach, evaluated as M3Fed on five federated datasets, with at most four modalities and four downstream tasks, demonstrates strong performance across diverse data distributions, affirming its effectiveness in Multimodal Federated Learning.


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Published: 28 October 2024


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