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Joint-Motion Mutual Learning for Pose Estimation in Video

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Human pose estimation in videos has long been a compelling yet challenging task within the realm of computer vision. Nevertheless, this task remains difficult because of the complex video scenes, such as video defocus and self-occlusion. Recent methods strive to integrate multi-frame visual features generated by a backbone network for pose estimation. However, they often ignore the useful joint information encoded in the initial heatmap, which is a by-product of the backbone generation. Comparatively, methods that attempt to refine the initial heatmap fail to consider any spatio-temporal motion features. As a result, the performance of existing methods for pose estimation falls short due to the lack of ability to leverage both local joint (heatmap) information and global motion (feature) dynamics.
To address this problem, we propose a novel joint-motion mutual learning framework for pose estimation, which effectively concentrates on both local joint dependency and global pixel-level motion dynamics. Specifically, we introduce a context-aware joint learner that adaptively leverages initial heatmaps and motion flow to retrieve robust local joint feature. Given that local joint feature and global motion flow are complementary, we further propose a progressive joint-motion mutual learning that synergistically exchanges information and interactively learns between joint feature and motion flow to improve the capability of the model. More importantly, to capture more diverse joint and motion cues, we theoretically analyze and propose an information orthogonality objective to avoid learning redundant information from multi-cues. Empirical experiments show our method outperforms prior arts on three challenging benchmarks.


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Published: 28 October 2024


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  1. human pose estimation
  2. multi-frame
  3. multi-person
  4. mutual learning
  5. pose estimation


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  • the Key R\&D Program of Zhejiang Province
  • Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University
  • the National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Key Projects of Science and Technology Development Plan of Jilin Province


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