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Designing Textual Information in AR Headsets to Aid in Adults’ and Children's Task Performance

Published: 19 June 2023 Publication History


Augmented reality (AR) headsets are being utilized in different task-based domains (e.g., healthcare, education) for both adults and children. However, prior work has mainly examined the applicability of AR headsets instead of how to design the visual information being displayed. It is essential to study how visual information should be presented in AR headsets to maximize task performance for both adults and children. Therefore, we conducted two studies (adults vs. children) analyzing distinct design combinations of critical and secondary textual information during a procedural assembly task. We found that while the design of information did not affect adults' task performance, the location of information had a direct effect on children's task performance. Our work contributes new understanding on how to design textual information in AR headsets to aid in adults’ and children's task performance. In addition, we identify specific differences on how to design textual information between adults and children.


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