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LCM: A Surprisingly Effective Framework for Supervised Cross-modal Retrieval

Published: 04 January 2023 Publication History


Due to its increasing importance, cross-modal retrieval (CMR), where the query from one modality is used to retrieve objects from a different modality, has gained a lot of attention. A plethora of techniques have been proposed for this task, with deep learnt multi-modal models being the dominant paradigm. While these techniques have become increasingly sophisticated in terms of learning representations of multi-modal objects in a common space, relatively less attention is paid to the overall computational costs involved while training the model and during retrieval.
In this work, we present LCM (Lightweight framework for Cross-Modal retrieval), a surprisingly effective approach with very low computational costs. It can work with any uni- and multi-modal representations that is available ranging from BoW/GIST to CLIP for text/image modality. In its training phase, LCM exploits the semantic labels with a combination of shallow modality-specific feed-forward network and a label auto-encoder such that embeddings in the common representation space that share labels are close to each other. During retrieval, LCM employs a novel 2-stage nearest neighbor (2Sknn) search to first rank candidate labels that are relevant to a query (stage-1), and then use this ranking to retrieve results from the indexed collection (stage-2). Experiments over 6 popular uni- and multi-label supervised CMR benchmarks show that LCM outperforms some of the very recent strong baselines by upto 20% gains in mAP values. Furthermore, we show that 2Sknn can benefit other baseline methods as well offering upto 50% mAP gains in some cases.


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  1. LCM: A Surprisingly Effective Framework for Supervised Cross-modal Retrieval



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    CODS-COMAD '23: Proceedings of the 6th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (10th ACM IKDD CODS and 28th COMAD)
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