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DICE: Domain-attack Invariant Causal Learning for Improved Data Privacy Protection and Adversarial Robustness

Published: 14 August 2022 Publication History


The adversarial attack reveals the vulnerability of deep models by incurring test domain shift, while delusive attack relieves the privacy concern about personal data by injecting malicious noise into the training domain to make data unexploitable. However, beyond their successful applications, the two attacks can be easily defended by adversarial training (AT). While AT is not the panacea, it suffers from poor generalization for robustness. For the limitations of attack and defense, we argue that to fit data well, DNNs can learn the spurious relations between inputs and outputs, which are consequently utilized by the attack and defense and degrade their effectiveness, and DNNs can not easily capture the causal relations like humans to make robust decisions under attacks. In this paper, to better understand and improve attack and defense, we first take a bottom-up perspective to describe the correlations between latent factors and observed data, then analyze the effect of domain shift on DNNs induced by attack and finally develop our causal graph, namely Domain-attack Invariant Causal Model (DICM). Based on DICM, we propose a coherent causal invariant principle, which guides our algorithm design to infer the human-like causal relations. We call our algorithm Domain-attack Invariant Causal Learning (DICE) and the experimental results on two attacks and one defense task verify its effectiveness.


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  1. DICE: Domain-attack Invariant Causal Learning for Improved Data Privacy Protection and Adversarial Robustness



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      KDD '22: Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
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      Published: 14 August 2022


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      1. attack transferability
      2. causal inference
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