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Scattering Transform Based Image Clustering using Projection onto Orthogonal Complement

Published: 21 August 2021 Publication History


In the last few years, large improvements in image clustering have been driven by the recent advances in deep learning. However, due to the architectural complexity of deep neural networks, there is no mathematical theory that explains the success of deep clustering techniques. In this work we introduce Projected-Scattering Spectral Clustering (PSSC), a state-of-the-art, stable, and fast algorithm for image clustering, which is also mathematically interpretable. PSSC includes a novel method to exploit the geometric structure of the scattering transform of small images. This method is inspired by the observation that, in the scattering transform domain, the subspaces formed by the eigenvectors corresponding to the few largest eigenvalues of the data matrices of individual classes are nearly shared among different classes. Therefore, projecting out those shared subspaces reduces the intra-class variability, substantially increasing the clustering performance. We call this method 'Projection onto Orthogonal Complement' (POC). Our experiments demonstrate that PSSC obtains the best results among all shallow clustering algorithms. Moreover, it achieves comparable clustering performance to that of recent state-of-the-art clustering techniques, while reducing the execution time by more than one order of magnitude.

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We present PSSC, a novel image clustering method that groups similar images based on their processed scattering representations. PSSC outperforms all other shallow clustering algorithms, and it achieves comparable clustering performance to that of recent state-of-the-art clustering techniques, while reducing the execution time by more than one order of magnitude.


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ICDAR '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Workshop on Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval
August 2021
72 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 21 August 2021


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  1. image clustering
  2. orthogonal projection
  3. representation learning
  4. scattering transform
  5. spectral clustering


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