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Certified and efficient instruction scheduling: application to interlocked VLIW processors

Published: 13 November 2020 Publication History


CompCert is a moderately optimizing C compiler with a formal, machine-checked, proof of correctness: after successful compilation, the assembly code has a behavior faithful to the source code. Previously, it only supported target instruction sets with sequential semantics, and did not attempt reordering instructions for optimization.
We present here a CompCert backend for a VLIW core (i.e. with explicit parallelism at the instruction level), the first CompCert backend providing scalable and efficient instruction scheduling. Furthermore, its highly modular implementation can be easily adapted to other VLIW or non-VLIW pipelined processors.

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Auxiliary Presentation Video (oopsla20main-p14-p-video.mp4)
CompCert is a moderately optimizing C compiler with a formal, machine-checked, proof of correctness: after successful compilation, the assembly code has a behavior faithful to the source code. Previously, it only supported target instruction sets with sequential semantics, and did not attempt reordering instructions for optimization. We present here a CompCert backend for a VLIW core (i.e. with explicit parallelism at the instruction level), the first CompCert backend providing scalable and efficient instruction scheduling. Furthermore, its highly modular implementation can be easily adapted to other VLIW or non-VLIW pipelined processors.


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cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  Volume 4, Issue OOPSLA
November 2020
3108 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 November 2020
Published in PACMPL Volume 4, Issue OOPSLA


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  1. Formal verification of compiler optimizations
  2. Hash-consing
  3. Instruction-level parallelism
  4. Symbolic execution
  5. the Coq proof assistant


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