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A Locality Optimizer for Loop-dominated Applications Based on Reuse Distance Analysis

Published: 02 September 2020 Publication History


Source code optimization can heavily improve software code implementation quality while still being complementary to conventional compilers’ optimizations. Source code analysis tools are very useful in supporting source code optimization. This article discusses MemAssist, a source-level optimization environment for semi-automatic locality optimization of loop-dominated code. MemAssist applies reuse distance analysis and a relevant optimization algorithm to explore the design space. It generates a set of suggestions for locality optimizing loop transformations that reduce data cache miss rate and execution time. MemAssist has been used to optimize a number of applications. Experimental results show that MemAssist leads to cache miss rate reduction at all cache layers, memory accesses reduction by up to 42%, and to a speedup of up to three times. Therefore, MemAssist can be used for efficient early-stage software optimization leading to development effort and time reduction.


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  1. A Locality Optimizer for Loop-dominated Applications Based on Reuse Distance Analysis



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        ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  Volume 25, Issue 6
        November 2020
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        Published: 02 September 2020
        Online AM: 07 May 2020
        Accepted: 01 April 2020
        Revised: 01 February 2020
        Received: 01 November 2019
        Published in TODAES Volume 25, Issue 6


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        1. MATLAB-to-C
        2. Reuse distance analysis
        3. data locality optimization
        4. source-to-source optimization


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