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poimo: Portable and Inflatable Mobility Devices Customizable for Personal Physical Characteristics

Published: 20 October 2020 Publication History


Despite the recent growth in popularity of personal mobility devices (e.g., e-scooters and e-skateboards), they still suffer from limited safety and narrow design form factors, due to their rigid structures. On the other hand, inflatable interfaces studied in human-computer interaction can achieve large volume change by simple inflation/deflation. Inflatable structure also offers soft and safe interaction owing to material compliance and diverse fabrication methods that lead to a wide range of forms and aesthetics. In this paper, we propose poimo, a new family of POrtable and Inflatable MObility devices, which consists of inflatable frames, inflatable wheels, and inflatable steering mechanisms made of a mass-manufacturable material called drop-stitch fabric. First, we defined the basic material properties of a drop-stitch inflatable structure that is sufficiently strong to carry a person while simultaneously allowing soft deformation and deflation for storage and portability. We then implemented an interactive design system that can scan the user's desired riding posture to generate a customized personal mobility device and can add the user's shape and color preferences. To demonstrate the custom-design capability and mobility, we designed several 3D models using our system and built physical samples for two basic templates: a motorcycle and a wheelchair. Finally, we conducted an online user study to examine the usability of the design system and share lessons learned for further improvements in the design and fabrication of poimo.

Supplementary Material

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In the user study, participants were asked to evaluate their expected experience of poimo customization and assembly.
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UIST '20: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
October 2020
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 20 October 2020


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  1. graphical user interfaces design
  2. inflatable interfaces
  3. personal mobility devices
  4. shape-changing interfaces
  5. soft robotics


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