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Modeling and simulation of real defects using fuzzy logic

Published: 01 June 2000 Publication History


Real defects (e.g. stuck-at or bridging faults) in the VLSI circuits cause intermediate voltages and can not be modeled as ideal shorts. In this paper we first show that the traditional zero-resistance model is not sufficient. Then, we present a resistive fault model for real defects and use fuzzy logic techniques for fault simulation and test pattern generation at the gate-level. Our method produces more realistic fault coverage compared to the conventional methods. The experimental results include the fault coverage and test pattern statistics for the ISCAS85 benchmarks.


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cover image ACM Conferences
DAC '00: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Design Automation Conference
June 2000
819 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 June 2000


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