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Phasking on Paper: Accessing a Continuum of PHysically Assisted SKetchING

Published: 23 April 2020 Publication History


When sketching, we must choose between paper (expressive ease, ruler and eraser) and computational assistance (parametric support, a digital record). PHysically Assisted SKetching provides both, with a pen that displays force constraints with which the sketcher interacts as they draw on paper. Phasking provides passive, "bound" constraints (like a ruler); or actively "brings" the sketcher along a commanded path (e.g., a curve), which they can violate for creative variation. The sketcher modulates constraint strength (control sharing) by bearing down on the pen-tip. Phasking requires untethered, graded force-feedback, achieved by modifying a ballpoint drive that generates force through rolling surface contact. To understand phasking's viability, we implemented its interaction concepts, related them to sketching tasks and measured device performance. We assessed the experience of 10 sketchers, who could understand, use and delight in phasking, and who valued its control-sharing and digital twinning for productivity, creative control and learning to draw.

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The Dataset here presents the results of drawing experiments Neo: No assist (NeoSmart pen) Bring: Physical assists-active constraint Bound: physical assists-passive constraint SC: shared control NSC: No shared control


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CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
April 2020
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 April 2020


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  1. computer aided drawing
  2. force-feedback
  3. haptics
  4. shared control drawing
  5. sketching
  6. stylus interaction


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