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Behaviors of Higher and Lower Performing Students in CS1

Published: 02 July 2019 Publication History


Although recent work in computing has discovered multiple techniques to identify low-performing students in a course, it is unclear what factors contribute to those students' difficulties. If we were able to better understand the characteristics of such students, we may be better able to help those students. This work examines the characteristics of low- and high-performing students through interviews with students from an introductory computing class. We identify a number of relevant areas of student behavior including how they approach their exam studies, how they approach completing programming assignments, whether they sought help after identifying misunderstandings, how and from whom they sought help, and how they reflected on assignments after submitting them. Particular behaviors within each area are coded and differences between groups of students are identified.


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ITiCSE '19: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
July 2019
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 02 July 2019


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  2. student behaviors
  3. student interviews
  4. student performance


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