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The Inflatable Cat: Idiosyncratic Ideation of Smart Objects for the Home

Published: 02 May 2019 Publication History


Research on product experience has a history in investigating the sensory and emotional qualities of interacting with objects. However, this notion has not been fully expanded to the design space of co-designing smart objects. In this paper, we report on findings from a series of co-design workshops where we used the toolkit Loaded Dice in conjunction with a card set that aimed to support participants in reflecting the sensory qualities of domestic smart objects. We synthesize and interpret findings from our study to help illustrate how the workshops supported co-designers in creatively ideating concepts for emotionally valuable smart objects that better connect personal inputs with the output of smart objects. Our work contributes a case example of how a co-design approach that emphasizes situated sensory exploration can be effective in enabling co-designers to ideate concepts of idiosyncratic smart objects that closely relate to the characteristics of their domestic living situations.

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    CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
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    Published: 02 May 2019


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    1. co-design method
    2. co-design tool
    3. co-speculation
    4. emotional qualities
    5. internet of things
    6. sensory qualities
    7. smart things


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