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Privacy improvement model for biometric person recognition in ambient intelligence using perceptual hashing

Published: 15 November 2018 Publication History


In the past two decades ambient intelligence (AmI) has been a focus of research in different fields and from different points of view. It can be defined as an electronic environment consisting of devices capable of recognising people presence and responding in a certain way. The security and privacy in these kind of environments is still a challenge. With employing biometrics for person recognition in ambient intelligence, the devices could distinguish between different people in a non-intrusive way. With this, the privacy issue occurring in ambient intelligence is even more pronounced when combined with biometric recognition. This paper shows a privacy improvement model for biometric person recognition in ambient intelligence using perceptual hashing.


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  1. Privacy improvement model for biometric person recognition in ambient intelligence using perceptual hashing



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    CECC 2018: Proceedings of the Central European Cybersecurity Conference 2018
    November 2018
    109 pages
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    • University of Maribor


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 15 November 2018


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    1. ambient intelligence
    2. biometric
    3. perceptual hash
    4. privacy


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    CECC 2018
    CECC 2018: Central European Cybersecurity Conference 2018
    November 15 - 16, 2018
    Ljubljana, Slovenia

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