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Rumor Spreading and Conductance

Published: 12 April 2018 Publication History


In this article, we study the completion time of the PUSH-PULL variant of rumor spreading, also known as randomized broadcast. We show that if a network has n nodes and conductance ϕ then, with high probability, PUSH-PULL will deliver the message to all nodes in the graph within O(log n/ϕ) many communication rounds. This bound is best possible. We also give an alternative proof that the completion time of PUSH-PULL is bounded by a polynomial in log n/ϕ, based on graph sparsification. Although the resulting asymptotic bound is not optimal, this proof shows an interesting and, at the outset, unexpected connection between rumor spreading and graph sparsification. Finally, we show that if the degrees of the two endpoints of each edge in the network differ by at most a constant factor, then both PUSH and PULL alone attain the optimal completion time of O(log n/ϕ), with high probability.


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Published In

cover image Journal of the ACM
Journal of the ACM  Volume 65, Issue 4
Distributed Computing, Cryptography, Distributed Computing, Cryptography, Coding Theory, Automata Theory, Complexity Theory, Programming Languages, Algorithms, Invited Paper Foreword and Databases
August 2018
307 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 12 April 2018
Accepted: 01 December 2017
Revised: 01 November 2017
Received: 01 January 2014
Published in JACM Volume 65, Issue 4


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Author Tags

  1. Randomized broadcast
  2. distributed algorithms
  3. gossip algorithms
  4. graph conductance
  5. graph sparsification
  6. randomized algorithms


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed

Funding Sources

  • ERC Starting Grant DMAP
  • ANR Project NDFusion
  • ANR Project PAMELA
  • Google Focused Research Award
  • SIR
  • BiCi (Bertinoro international Center for informatics)


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