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Detail and color enhancement in photo stylization

Published: 29 July 2017 Publication History


Abstraction in non-photorealistic rendering reduces the amount of detail, yet non-essential details can improve visual interest and thus make an image more appealing. In this paper, we propose an automatic system for photo manipulation that brightens an image and alters the detail levels. The process first applies an edge-preserving abstraction process to an input image, then uses the residual to reintroduce and exaggerate details in areas near strong edges. At the same time, image regions further from strong edges are brightened. The final result is a lively mixture of abstraction and enhanced detail.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    CAE '17: Proceedings of the symposium on Computational Aesthetics
    July 2017
    71 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 29 July 2017


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    1. abstraction
    2. image stylization
    3. texture indication


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