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View all- Barral OKosunen IJacucci G(2017)No Need to Laugh Out LoudACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction10.1145/315773024:6(1-29)Online publication date: 19-Dec-2017
In this work-in-progress study, we aim to understand the users' behavior for developing the webtoon(web cartoon) rating system using with users' laugh reactions when they read webtoons by smartphones. First, we conducted an online survey in order to ...
In television shows, we are familiar with the sound of artificial laughter, the so called "canned laughter" or "laugh track". It generally has an enhancing effect on the viewer's desire to laugh. However, if the sound is played when the user dislikes ...
In this study, we propose Laugh Log, an e-textile bellyband interface for laugh detection. Laugh Log measures pressure on the abdomen and detects laughter based on pressure changes. In this paper, we developed a corset type Laugh Log prototype system ...
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