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Joint question clustering and relevance prediction for open domain non-factoid question answering

Published: 07 April 2014 Publication History


Web searches are increasingly formulated as natural language questions, rather than keyword queries. Retrieving answers to such questions requires a degree of understanding of user expectations. An important step in this direction is to automatically infer the type of answer implied by the question, e.g., factoids, statements on a topic, instructions, reviews, etc. Answer Type taxonomies currently exist for factoid-style questions, but not for open-domain questions. Building taxonomies for non-factoid questions is a harder problem since these questions can come from a very broad semantic space. A few attempts have been made to develop taxonomies for non-factoid questions, but these tend to be too narrow or domain specific. In this paper, we address this problem by modeling the Answer Type as a latent variable that is learned in a data-driven fashion, allowing the model to be more adaptive to new domains and data sets. We propose approaches that detect the relevance of candidate answers to a user question by jointly 'clustering' questions according to the hidden variable, and modeling relevance conditioned on this hidden variable.
In this paper we propose 3 new models: (a) Logistic Regression Mixture (LRM), (b) Glocal Logistic Regression Mixture (G-LRM) and (c) Mixture Glocal Logistic Regression Mixture (MG-LRM) that automatically learn question-clusters and cluster-specific relevance models. All three models perform better than a baseline relevance model that uses explicit Answer Type categories predicted by a supervised Answer-Type classifier, on a newsgroups dataset. Our models also perform better than a baseline relevance model that does not use any answer-type information on a blogs dataset.


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WWW '14: Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web
April 2014
926 pages


  • IW3C2: International World Wide Web Conference Committee



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 07 April 2014


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  1. latent variable models
  2. question answering
  3. question clustering
  4. relevance prediction


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