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Determining the Currency of Data

Published: 01 December 2012 Publication History


Data in real-life databases become obsolete rapidly. One often finds that multiple values of the same entity reside in a database. While all of these values were once correct, most of them may have become stale and inaccurate. Worse still, the values often do not carry reliable timestamps. With this comes the need for studying data currency, to identify the current value of an entity in a database and to answer queries with the current values, in the absence of reliable timestamps.
This article investigates the currency of data. (1) We propose a model that specifies partial currency orders in terms of simple constraints. The model also allows us to express what values are copied from other data sources, bearing currency orders in those sources, in terms of copy functions defined on correlated attributes. (2) We study fundamental problems for data currency, to determine whether a specification is consistent, whether a value is more current than another, and whether a query answer is certain no matter how partial currency orders are completed. (3) Moreover, we identify several problems associated with copy functions, to decide whether a copy function imports sufficient current data to answer a query, whether a copy function can be extended to import necessary current data for a query while respecting the constraints, and whether it suffices to copy data of a bounded size. (4) We establish upper and lower bounds of these problems, all matching, for combined complexity and data complexity, and for a variety of query languages. We also identify special cases that warrant lower complexity.


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Elizabeth A. Unger

Dirty data refers to inaccurate, incomplete, or erroneous data in a computer system. One form of dirty data is created when relational databases contain multiple relations for an entity. Determining which of the entity attribute values are correct or most probably correct, especially when the values do not carry timestamps, is the subject of this theoretical study. The authors propose a model using simple constraints to specify partial currency orders in the presence of copy functions. A simple copy function from one relation to another is assumed. Exploring the issues that occur when the copy function is used to create one or more tuples is the primary focus of the paper. The authors discuss what information and functions are needed to decide whether the imported information is sufficient to answer a query, and if it is not, to determine whether the copy function can be extended to bring in necessary current data for a query. Of course, this is done while assuring the constraints are met and the query set is size bounded. The paper identifies seven problems associated with data currency and currency preservation. The upper and lower bounds of these problems are determined for a variety of query languages. These results are of theoretic value and may be useful to database programmers as questions of the currency of data arise. However, most of the problems explored are intractable. The authors propose further studies using heuristic algorithms and incremental analysis to lower the complexity. A final concern is raised regarding the fundamental differences between data consistency and data currency. This paper is very readable and well organized, and the authors have made a significant intellectual addition to the study of the challenges faced in managing databases that are modified over their lifetimes. Data and database researchers and data administrators will find this paper worthwhile. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 37, Issue 4
December 2012
345 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2012
Accepted: 01 April 2012
Revised: 01 February 2012
Received: 01 October 2011
Published in TODS Volume 37, Issue 4


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