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10.1145/2162024.2162030acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmodularityConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Understanding linux feature distribution

Published: 27 March 2012 Publication History


Managing variability is hard. This applies both to feature modeling itself as well as the maintenance of the corresponding feature implementations which poses additional challenges. Especially in embedded systems and system software that are developed using the tools CPP, GCC and MAKE, feature realizations happen on different levels of abstractions, concepts and implementation languages.
This particularly applies to Linux, which exposes over 11000 features on over two dozen different architectures. While features are modeled centrally with the Kconfig tool, feature-code is realized in various source-files and managed by the Kbuild build-system. In this article, we identify and relate levels of variability on which feature-code is implemented. The quantification of variability on the different levels in Linux disproves two common beliefs about the amount of implemented variability.


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MISS '12: Proceedings of the 2012 workshop on Modularity in Systems Software
March 2012
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Published: 27 March 2012


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  1. configurability
  2. linux
  3. maintenance
  4. static analysis
  5. variability


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