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Problem-solution mapping for forward and reengineering on architectural level

Published: 05 September 2011 Publication History


Software architectures play a key role for the development and evolution of software systems because they have to enable their quality properties such as scalability, flexibility, and security. Software architectural decisions represent a transition from problem space with quality goals and requirements on one side to solution space with technical solutions on the other side. Technical solutions are reusable elements for the work of the architect as for example patterns, styles, frameworks and building blocks. For long-term evolution of the systems, an explicit mapping between goals and solutions is helpful for expressing design knowledge and fundamental decisions. Such a mapping has to bridge between the fields of requirements engineering, software architectural design, and software quality thus enabling reuse. In this paper the Goal Solution Scheme is discussed, which maps quality goals and goal refinements to architectural principles and solutions. The paper extends the approach from the previously discussed forward engineering to re-engineering activities thus covering evolutionary development processes. The evaluation of the approach has been performed in several case studies and projects including a large industrial one.


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IWPSE-EVOL '11: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution and the 7th annual ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution
September 2011
140 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 05 September 2011


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  1. decision support
  2. quality goals
  3. reengineering
  4. reuse
  5. software architecture
  6. software evolution
  7. traceability


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